Friday, January 10, 2014

RE: Fwd: IMG00102-20140107-1451.jpg

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Dear Errol,
Happy New Year to all my fellow Mausicans. I do hope that there will be more happiness than sadness for us this year.The yet has not started off well, though, but God is still in charge.Let's trust God on this one and pray.
I visited Mrs. Cuffie on the day after her birthday, as I was ill on Monday. I recall some years ago when she lived in Millenium Gardens and I tried to visit her on the evening of her birthday.The care giver told me then that she had had too many visitors during the day and she was tired. As a general rule, I think it is important that we space out our visits to the elderly, so they can have more regular visits as opposed to a lot of visitors on one day.But birthdays are special,so we can make exceptions for special days. I am attaching a photo with her studying the bouquet of flowers I took to her.
It was only when I read Progues's history of Mausica contribution that I understood the origin of the removal of the mattresses on the first night of initiation,a.k.a. the dance with Silver Springs Orchestra. I guess they wanted us to experience some of what the pioneers  went through. Ah well... water under the bridge.
I remember that we once had a Carnival lime. Any takers? It's hard waiting to see old friends every two years, except at funerals. Let's share the love more often. Have a great week. I love to see pictures with Linda Romain She looks well and has retained her good looks, don't you agree?
Love to all.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

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