Friday, January 04, 2013


Dear Errol:
I have great regard for Maria, especially on questions of social psychology, where she has done work that has gotten national acclaim. I respect her view on the question of Machel Montano, but do not agree with it. For any child of Mausica, my position remains that we should be empathetic and not judgmental. Certainly, we should not be wishing the worst. When the child of a Mausican is in trouble, let us rally around even with a heavy heart. That is what families do when sheep go astray. The law of averages says that some Mausicans themselves, and some children of Mausicans, may not do the rest of us proud. But families are not for fair weather only. What would Fitzy or the Cuff have to say about this? Their instinct if someone drank too much, or became uncontrollable, was to rehabilitate, where the view of others was to expel. And it is they who are the authors of what it means to be a Mausican.
Theodore Lewis. (By the way, I do know "Esmond" Francois and I am certain he knows me. I am hoping he is not now carrying a different first name from the one I knew when we were in choir).
Theodore Lewis

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