Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hi Friends and Family,
I have recently published an Ebook: Correcting Misconceptions: The Spiritual Baptist Faith. (Trafford Pub.) It is my undergrad thesis that served as the basis for my first book: My Faith Spiritual Baptist Christian. (Xulon Press) Both books are available on Amazon.com. Many of you have read my first book, My Faith. It shall be a pleasure for me to see your review of the book on Amazon.com. It will also boost sales.
A look at or purchase $3.99 and a review of my first Ebook, Correcting Misconceptions, shall also be most appreciated. Thank you kindly.
I have been informed by my publisher that this is a good way to advertise. I start with my friends: that's what friends are for! and family: charity begins at home! Thanks in advance.
Love always!
Jesus is the only answer!
Love & blessings
HazelAnn, Ed.D.
Hazel Ann Gibbs dePeza

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