Tuesday, August 28, 2012

RE: Independence

My Fellow Mausicans
I was there too on that historical night....at midnight on August 30th when the red white and black was raised.
I can’t remember much, but as a proud member of the Trinidad & Tobago Cadet Force, I was on duty on Abercomby Street, in front of where 6.10 Radio was located. I was dressed in my starched uniform, boots with the tip shining for so. In those days we wore short pants with tall socks and a band skillfully wrapped around the ankle. If I remember correctly we had our rifles too……and one thing of which I’m proud is that I never fainted on any parade.
Thank you, Dr. Eric Williams for making possible my education at St. Mary’s College and eventual attendance at Mausica Teachers College.
History cannot be changed.
'take time to laugh for it is the  music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan

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