Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Dear Errol,
Thanks again for keeping us together.Thanks also for transmitting  the expression of condolences on the death of my Dad. I am excitedly looking forward to the grand reunion of Mausicans in 2013. I have attended all the Caribbean ones but, unfortunately, the timing of the US and Canada ones did not work for me.  The reunions are not only an important occasion for renewing friendships, but can also serve as a useful means for networking and sharing information about ourselves and our work. It was while on the Tobago bus tour, I believe, at one of the reunions that I learnt that I could have had the Ministry of Education approve my book for use in schools. Subsequently, the Government took over 200 copies of my book: Women and Family Law and Related Issues which answers 229 questions on basic family law issues - divorce and separation, nullity of marriage, paternity, maintenance of spouses, custody, access, adoption, domestic violence, cohabitation, succession (wills and probate),mediation and maternity protection. Some of my law colleagues have complained that I have robbed them of consultancy fees by writing that book, but it is important that we, Mausicans, " continue the work of "moulding a nation through service " by providing  to the public, at affordable cost, education and services, whether by demstifying the law, as I have done, or providing other services within our respective areas of expertise.
In that light, I would like to commend to all of you, my namesake's,Hazel Ann Gibbs de Peza's 's Ebook entitled: Correcting Misconceptions: The Spiritual Baptist Faith  available from Amazon. Perhaps we can have a book display of work by Mausicans at the reunion. It would also be useful to know who is involved in what enterprises. Recently, I was talking with another Mausican, who was unaware that Errol Meighoo (1967-69) has been involved in construction for many years. Mausicans are all over doing a variety of things. Perhaps we can give a thought to sharing that information and supporting one another for our mutual benefit. Just a thought...
Hazel Thompson-Ahye

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