Friday, August 03, 2012


Condolences to the family  of  Marcelline Ward. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord! and let perpetual light shine upon her. My last meeting with her was very pleasant as usual.Smiles reflected from our two faces.
I  now know the reason for the nick name. Even the last time I saw her, I called her "Elke" and she took no offence. We always felt happy to see each other.
Later on, I remember another mausican telling me, she is not well.\, pray for her, which I did.
God knows best. He giveth and he taketh. She has passed on, we will all follow her. We all have to make our payhs straight with God's help. Always call on Jesus, one God with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
He is the mediator between God the Father and us.
He also appointed his Mother to be the mediator between him and us when he told John,
"behold thy mother". John represented all of us, mankind.
He said to Mary, "Behold thy son". She is mother to all of us. Aren't we all brothers and sisters of Jesus?
Hence, isn't this the reason why Catholics ask Mary to intercede for us?
It was at Mary's request, at the wedding in Cana that Jesus performed his first miracle changing water into wine.
Patricia Scott-Phelps

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