Friday, August 03, 2012


Hi Errol,
I know I am too late for thgis week's blog, but just to let you know that my Dad passed on Saturday, July 28 and will be buried on Tuesday, August 7, at 10:00 a .m. at San Juan R.C. Church, where he played the drums in the choir. He was 93 and was a skilled ballroom dancer, winning dance competitions on Scouting for Talent and the various balls like Black and White , Red Rose Ball,etc.  He had a good life. Although he lost most of his sight and hearing when he was in his 40's and had to stop working, he never let his disabilities keep him back from enjoying himself. He was in his 70's and the ladies in the Senior Citizens Birthday Club were still fighting one another to dance with him.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye

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