Friday, June 22, 2012


Belated congrats from me to Selwyn.  When I don't  respond immediately it almost never gets done.   Mausicans have talent cyah done!   All the talk about starch mango and Julie mango reminds me that 1981 ( when I came to Montserrat) was the first time I ever had the pleasure of eating a Julie mango all by myself.... before that in Trinidad, it was Face, Side or Seed!   I never bought mangoes in any overseas country. I used whatever was grown there... much better I think. 
It amazed me to see that nearly everyone has a Julie mango tree in their yard.
I am so looking forward to reunion 2013!   most of all, I want to get to meet those bloggers from the later years... so many new names. Errol, any idea how many of us there are?   ie anyone who has ever blogged qualifies for the count.  Any chance of  a Cd with the Folk songs?   Blessings to all.   Pat
Pat Ryan

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