Thursday, June 07, 2012


Hello Errol,
On Tuesday night, on my return home, Marjorie greeted me with, "Dela gone."  Now, I know two Delas, my childhood friend, Delano Davis and my uncle's girlfriend, Della. I searched her face for a clue but there was none. I stood there speechless for a long moment and then I ventured, "Meh pardnah, Dela?"
She said, "Yes."
I am sharing this with the blog because many of my 66-68 Mausican peers would remember him.
Dela was at Centeno when I attended Mausica. He and some of his suffering, riding pardnahs would visit me on campus. At that time Centeno had only plants and livestock. Everybody knew they were looking for some action.  He drove a white Sunbeam. He was a real saltfish and became popular with some of the girls. Nuff said.
When I played football on Bertrand's Eleven, the team engaged the Centeno squad in a few fete matches on their ground.
It was lots of fun.The great Sir. Frank Worrell and Gary Dore's father were on an opposing team.
Dela's funeral wil be at the Belgrove crematorium in Tacarigua on Tuesday, June 12th.  3:00 pm -5:00 pm. For info, call Carol at 640-0704.
With God's help , I'll be there.
On a much happier note, I wish to inform you that masman, Alan Simpson, was on Winner's row again.
His band, "We Kinda Ting" ("We Kind Of Thing"), placed first in the Atlanta Carnival which was held during the Memorial Day weekend.
Have a good weekend.
As usual,
Rodney Foster.

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