Saturday, June 23, 2012


Hello Errol,
Congrats to Selwyn Jacob on his award. It thrills my heart whenever I hear of the the accomplishments of my fellow Mausicans.
In TNT there are several opportunities  for us to live the legacy of MTC. Recently on Wack Radio, during my interview, we discussed  MTC and its contributions to folksongs  in TNT and the entire world. Last year I heard a German or Finnish choir singing one of our folksongs on you tube. Kenny Phillips of WACK Radio and  Ken, my interviewer, would welcome your calls or visits to the station at 129 Coffee St, Sando,. Tel. # 868-652-9774/5521.  My wife, Marjorie, said it was "refreshing" to hear Lulu on Wack.
Thank you Eastlyn for the info on our mutual friend, Dela. What a legacy. I remember your surprise when he stopped by the gala in the 2007, in Tobago. "Davis, wey you doing here?" Dela was an honorary Mausican. In Trinidad, at Belgrove,  we celebrated his life with tears and lots of laughter. It was typical Dela.
So long for now.
Rodney foster.

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