Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Hi Phillip et al,
Back home now. Manila was a mind-boggling experience for me. The people are full of smiles and courtesy although living is very challenging.  You see two extremes with just one glance, rich and poor living side by side.  There are 7,100 islands in The Phillipines. Managing this has to be a major challenge for any government. There are 2,085 guidance officers who work in schools all over these islands. 1000 of them attended the conference. 10 million people live in Manila on weekends and 12 million during the week.  2 million come into Manila to work from Monday to Friday.  Traffic is horrendous.  I am trying to make sense of this experience in relation to T & T.  There are always lessons to learn. I can only think about the thousand plus shoes that Imelda Marcos had in her closet.
Sorry that we did not get in touch so that I could have been in touch with your neice?  Stay strong and blessed Maria.
Yes Pat. 2012 is moving really fast into 2013.  Doh hustle it so fas nuh.  D birthdays comin fas too, BUT doh worry b happy.  How come yuh not in London for d Jubilee?  Maria
Anna Maria Mora

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