Saturday, June 16, 2012


Hi Fellow Mausicans, It is so great to be kept up to date on all that is happening in the lives of Mausicans. Yes Rodney Foster, Della was also my very good friend. I attended the funeral service at the Scarborough R.C. church. Mausica was mentioned in the Eulogy and your name was also mentioned as one of his 'wayward'(my description) friends. I was also mentioned but not in the same way- you tek dat1!- He had a lovely send off. If you see man in dat funeral ! Ah guess all a dem come to 'drown' their sorrows without entering water! I was in Trinidad when he died. He drowned right in the sea in Lambeau where I live. It was a shock to everybody because Dela never go deeper than his ankle in the sea. May his soul rest in eternal peace .Eastlyn 64-66.
Eastlyn Baynes-McKenzie

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