Saturday, June 04, 2011


Some lines from notable Mausican calypsoes that I still remember
" Ryan, Hospe, and Mac, see them running through the track"
"Well the folk song choir, in Mausica, is the greatest ever"
"Ramos, Celia Parker, Chicken, Hops and Saturina, "
Gilbert "Happy" O Connor, I can never forget. When we went to Guyana in 1970 to help them build their road, an something happened in the camp, and a girl from UWI complained bitterly, and in public at breakfast,  to the camp commander, Mr. Young, what her fellow UWI students had done. 10 minutes later, Happy had a calypso composed. He came to me asking me whether I could accompany him on my quatro. With the encouragement of another Mausican, we were on the public address system singing the calypso for the entire camp. Because of the calypso the girl was given an uncomplimentary name for the duration of the rest of her stay in Guyana.
Garth Nicholas '69 - '71

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