Friday, June 03, 2011

RE: Big Apple Reunion 2011

My FellowMausicans,
Greetings. The countdown has begun. Just 56 days to go before Mausicans tour the Big Apple.!!!
Regarding the room block at the Long Island Marriott, I wish to remind those who are interested, that the cutoff date is June 26th. Currently, there is one reservation.
I am happy to inform you there is still room at our Housing Accommodation at Hofstra University but you must hurry for there will be a cut off date also.
Those people who plan to arrive in New York on that midnight flight, (Monday midnight) from Trinidad, please let me know so we can make transportation plans and early check in at Hofstra.
The Planning Committee is working hard and striving for excellence. Let us hear of your concerns and they will be addressed accordingly.
Warm wishes,
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

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