Friday, June 03, 2011

RE: Greetings

My fellow Mausicans,
First , I  must apologize for  assigning the wrong last name to calypsonian Agnes Howell.  Then I forgot to mention Lord or Mighty Scratchy, the man who sang about those students from Pt Zagaya who forgot how tuh eat dasheen, yam and breadfruit once dey enter Mausica
Scratchy, my Havenite brother,  was bad fuh days.. Early Saturday morning ah fella call meh and wanted tuh know how ah could leave out de Mighty Richie. Then he proceeded tuh sing about three calypsoes fuh meh. Godwyn Richardson real good too.  He lose ah competition by half a point.
By no means was my list complete. So doh shoot de messenger. Just come tuh de reunion and leh we sing.
As usual,
Rodney Foster

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