Saturday, June 04, 2011

RE: MAUSICA .... Thank you Errol

Dear Errol,
Thank you for providing this medium for Mausican News.
Richie....the goodly gentleman did show up. Thanks. He looks well.
But my time was cut short. We were unable to meet and have lunch.
However,  we were able to renew acquaintances and chat about Mausica and Mausicans.
Sorry, that Adelia and Allan were unable to be there. but I am still thankful for meeting mausicans over the phone.
I attended the Carnival in Atlanta, and saw Allan's band.."We kinda thing".
It was refreshing to see the Caribbean coming together.
Trinidad with "Palance" etc. like that was the roadmarch, still sounding as sweet and jumpy as ever.
Virgin Islands did well  with their sort of military march.
When my friends saw  the wining down  in some bands , they quickly asked, "Is she from Trinidad?"
However, I wish that Mac Farlane , some of Trini revellers, Roslyn Gabriel's S>E>A students awaiting results, and more steelbands could be invited.
Overall, it was a fair sample of Trinidad, but moreso of the Carribbean.
We went to "Tassa" Trini restaurant after, and hand some calaloo and pelau, a little Bus up shirt etc.
I am winding down my holiday now in Florida.
Thank you, Errol, for printing my request ....Mausicans in Atlanta etc. and posting my photo. Thanks to all Mausicans who made my holiday a pleasant one.
My best regards to you.
Keep up the Calypso lists. Every hostelhad its Kaiso princes and princesses with songs like
"If yuh see them flies",
"Sausage in the morning, Sausage in the evening"
Don't forget Louise and Kirkendalians contributions. Mike and they can still sing  "OH WASA". I give them permission.  It was by no means a rude song. I was very naive then, and sang it on behalf of those who hardly got water from WASA, so do not make it into a suggestive song as some Mausicans did.
The Tobago boys were great in music too. Richie reminded me of the many calypsoes that he composed, also for Myrtle. I enjoyed  Vernella and  V  the pastor, and Philo on the piano. Don't mention the boys on the drums and Earl Knights with the trumpet? Hope some of these artistes will be there. Make cds and videos for those who are absent to enjoy.
Remember' Minute' silence for Roland, Pat James and the others when you get to New York.
God bless.
Patricia Scott-Phelps

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