Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Condolences to Melvina Dick (73-75) on the passing of her mother. God's richest blessings to you and your extended family.
Allan S Noreiga

RE: New e-mail address

Hello Errol,
Thank you for keeping us in touch with each other.
I changed my internet provider so I have a new e-mail address which is
See you in July God willing
Phyllis Mottley

Friday, June 24, 2011

RE: Reunion

Dear Errol,
I  enjoy reading your weekly blog . I was hoping to attend this reunion  but funds does not permit me.  Ido hope you all enjoy it . See you at the next reunion  please Go
Marilyn Bart-Layne. 64-66.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Condolences to Melvina Dick and family. Her mother Roseana Dick of Sobo, La Brea passed away on Saturday18th and will be buried on Saturday 25.
Clare Creese-Woodley

Re: Weekly

....breaking the silence.......Stay up Jack....
'take time to laugh for it is the  music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan

RE: Mausica Reunion

Dear Mausicans,
Just a few quick reminders with some titbit information for our participants.
First, thanks to Pat  Ryan for that plug-in regarding our Reunion. Its an enormous amount of work made "nightmarish"  with our  beloved latecomers. But as we say "All ah we is one family"!!!!
By the time, you read this on the Blog, the group rate reservation at the Long Island Marriott will expire in two days .( June 26th)  So far only two rooms have been reserved. Pssssssssst....there is room here at Hofstra  for everyone!! That's all I will say.
Those people who are traveling on the midnight flight Caribbean Airlines BW 520  arriving here at 5:55am July 26th, and are staying at Hofstra University, please let us include you in the Airport Shuttle arrangements. We already have 7 seats reserved and there is room for 4 more people.
We have a hectic day planned for you on Wednesday 27th July in Manhattan. "Comfortable and casual" wear is the keyword.
More news next week. With 100 participants ,we are looking forward to have a blast.!
The Planning Committee
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RE: Lynette tephenson

I got news today the Lynett's mom passed away last friday.  The funeral is this coming Friday.  Please extend our hearfelt condolences from Mausicans to Stevie and family.
Conrad Thomas

Re: Message from Eastlyn Mac.

Am leaving this aft for 6 weeks in NYC.  Please ask Errol to post the message for you.  His address is attached.
"And this too will pass."
"From: Carole R.
To: BrendaAlexander-Perez
Sent: Sun, June 19, 2011 7:35:16 PM
Subject: Message from Eastlyn Mac.
Hi Brenda,
I had a call from Eastlyn McKenzie re the Music Amateurs - a group that she travels with as MC.  The group will be in Toronto sometime in the near future and she has asked me to have you inform the Mausicans to support the effort.  She will not be with the group on this trip since she has to be at the hearing on the "90 coup".  However, she assures me that she will meet  at the reunion.  I am still to get the details of the venue and time that the group will be performing, but as soon as I have the details, I will let you know.
Summer is here and of course we will see one another soon enough.
Carole Reid Clyne
"repping" Jean.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr."
Brenda Alexander-Perez

Monday, June 20, 2011

RE: Weekly

I went to a function earlier and met Deacon Murchison Sylvester in his new role. He however said that  something was on the blog when he was ordained.
He sent his regards to you and yours and the Mausica family. He cannot make the reunion as he now has to minister to a wider family.
'take time to laugh for it is the  music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan

Friday, June 17, 2011


Hello All,
To - All the Fathers, Grand Fathers and those who Fathered the children of our nation and those nations of the world, also to our Mausican Fathers like Mr. Fitzwilliams who shared with us their very best and nurtured us to be the persons we are today....
Please note that you are remembered and honoured and that your labour was and is not in vain.
Kindly continue to convey to our young men and young fathers that they must spend time with their sons and daughters and that they must pass on those great traditions, fear of God, love for their fellow man and each other that we have inculcated.
My best regards
Dr. Merle Dillon - Baker 1966-1968

Thursday, June 16, 2011

RE: To those who will meet in the shadow of Lady Liberty.

I have only been to one re-union so far, the Tobago one in 07. I had hoped for Grenada, but funds were not there, same with New York. Once, I would have gone, and put it on a credit card, now I have learnt, in my 70th year, to be more fiscally cautious.
If there is any one among you who has not been to New York before, I hope you will enjoy its smoggy, dusty beauty, its noise and excitement.
If you want to visit a couple of out of the way places, try The Cloisters at Washington Heights, its a recreation of a medieval monastery, and it was the first place where I saw a nativity scene with one of the three wise men being African. The set is from the 13 or 14 century, I believe, long before racism infested the world.
The other religious site I would recommend is the Cathedral of St. John the Devine, the Anglican church in Harlem that stand across from Columbia University at 133d and Lennox Ave. The church, perhaps the largest in North America, can accomodate twelve weddings without one disturbing the other. The church has an interesting history. Begun about 1850, when Harlen was white, it continues to be built up to today. A stone mason who came out from England about forty years ago to work on the building, noticed the graffitti creeping up on buildings all around. He decided that if he hired the neighbourhood young men to work on the church, they would have something meaningful to do. So, he began a class in stone masonry.Young "angry" African Americans learning the ancient art of stone carving from an Englishman. The vandals have never sprayed the church, it was part of them, you see. The white Americans fled to the suburbs, but Anglicans do not sell a church, so the cathedral has survived and is a magnificent structure .I once met a guy who SAID he had gone to Columbia University and I asked him about the cathedral. He had never seen it. I knew he had not gone there. You cannot "not see' the Cathedral of St John the Devine.
Have fun in the heat. Keep our beloved country in your prayers, as I do daily.
If God spares life and limb I'd be in Trinidad for the 2013 get together, and stay on for Emancipation, something else I have missed since 2007.
Be blessed.
Linda E. Edwards-Romain

RE: Mausica Classics

Hello Erroll,
Please share with the Mausica family.
As usual,
Rodney Foster
Subject: Mausica Classics Revised Version
Hello Erroll,
Here is the final version.

"My  Fellow Mausicans , 
Aye hear nah man, yuh have any classics tuh share wit the readership?
Here are a few that come tuh mind:
Big debating contest. GTC vs Mausica in HMJ HALL. Wilton John, Deodath Ojah Maharaj and Michael Ransome representing Mausica.  Ah forget de exact topic.
Hear Ransome, “You all know that Trinidad is an island surrounded by water.”
From de audience, Darnley Gittens shout out, “We know dat. Tell we something dat we doh know.” Mas in de place. Mankind laughing too bad.
Next rounds is Chessawatee Ojah. Yes man, he was ah Chess addict. He start tuh give some vital statistics. { Felix and Finbar dat word on de Spelling test}Hear how dis teacher boy read out 189,057. In perfect diction, he say, “ One hundred and eighty-nine thousand, no thousand and fifty-seven.
GTC beat we rarse.
Another time during assembly, Harry Joe calling out names  tuh go on teaching practice. . I hoping tuh go to Arima New Government. Meh pardnahs, Loy-D Brown and Earl John was teachin dey. We use tuh go across by Loy-D an eat we plastic container ah food  and take ah drink. Dat was fun. 
Back tuh de Joe. He calling out names in groups of three. Wen he come tuh de end of de Bs, wit ah straight face he announce, “Bonas, Bullen , Burnett.”
Somebody shout out, “Really?” Another one say, “Ah did tell yuh so.” It was mas in de place. 
In 1967, de folk song choir went on ah camp tuh Dominica.  De first day we went on de rocky beach in Goodwill, we pick up ah funky smell and had tuh run back tuh Goodwill High School. It was ah mess. Wen we tell Fitzy about de experience, he call we “Stool Pigeons.” Yes man, Mr. Williams could real talk de same ting dat had de beach smelling so.
By de way, I believe we picked up “La Porrinden” in Dominica.
As usual,
Rodney Foster, Dolphus"

Monday, June 13, 2011


Hi Errol
My name is Hyacinth Jordan. The one whose name you dont have on your mailing list.  My surname was Aberdeen and I was in Mausica from ''66-- 68''. I was a resident of Kirkendale. Someone asked about another Carnavon. There was Jacqueline Carnavon . I think she was Earl's sister. She and Agnes Howell were roommates also in Kirkendale. They were ''67--69''. I have never attended any reunions but I am always informed about what goes on. I hope to be there one day though.. I still keep in touch with a few Mausicans. God bless.
Hyacinth Jordan

RE: new e-mail address re Phyliss Mottley

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: ""
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 4:36 PM
Subject: new e-mail address
Hello Finbar,
Ihave a different internet provider my new address is
Can you send it to the blog for me please. I understand that there is some new info concerning the events at the reunion.
Finbar Ryan

Sunday, June 12, 2011


It's very nice to read the Mausica Weely. I remember some of the names mentioned. Every year I go to Trini I meet up with some of my Mausican friends like Khiman, Shiela, Indra and Zinnet. We were from the group of 73-75.
Has anyone ever had to get a course content for every subject that was done in MTC? I am trying to register as a teacher in Australia and they need all the topics that were done there.
Hope to read more of the Mausica emails.
Seeta Mohammed

Friday, June 10, 2011


"The Model from Kirkendale" by Oswald Hem Lee (Swadingo) was on Mausicans' lips for months afterwards. What was interesting to note about this performance was that the subject of the calypso, Pamela Gilkes, actually performed on stage with Hem Lee.
I thought that the calypso we were introduced to as the Mausica Road March was quite intriguing, as well as Lancelot Brown's selection for Carnival 74.
Herbert Garvin 73 - 75


Don't tell me I didn't attach the rock!   here it is!     Pat ( Allum ) Ryan
I waited to see if any of the pioneers would have recalled  the late Trevor Davis' calypso re choir practice:
Fall, fall , fall, fall fall, sing up tenors, sing up please
Fall.... fall on something beside your knees... and also La Porrinden which  were very creative compositions.
Felix "hotwater" Edinborough also gave us:
Ah ole mosquito was dying, he wife and he children crying;  one of them who name Bill, only interested in the will, so he bend down and aske he father to leave hin ah barrell ah yellow fever... Ah bite up man in de mormin, ah bite up man in de evenin, ah sorry fuh what ah do, you know ah bite up some women too!
Kirkendale 63-63, remember our Band : Sparrow's Calypsos?  Ben Alleyne was Rose, the Queen of our band and won hands down .   Those were the days!
Pat Ryan

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Yeah now we have it!!! I was wondering how they could have left out the Mighty Richie.  Richie is one of the elite Mausican calysonian
Adelia Bovell-Benjamin ('72-'74)

Saturday, June 04, 2011

RE: MAUSICA .... Thank you Errol

Dear Errol,
Thank you for providing this medium for Mausican News.
Richie....the goodly gentleman did show up. Thanks. He looks well.
But my time was cut short. We were unable to meet and have lunch.
However,  we were able to renew acquaintances and chat about Mausica and Mausicans.
Sorry, that Adelia and Allan were unable to be there. but I am still thankful for meeting mausicans over the phone.
I attended the Carnival in Atlanta, and saw Allan's band.."We kinda thing".
It was refreshing to see the Caribbean coming together.
Trinidad with "Palance" etc. like that was the roadmarch, still sounding as sweet and jumpy as ever.
Virgin Islands did well  with their sort of military march.
When my friends saw  the wining down  in some bands , they quickly asked, "Is she from Trinidad?"
However, I wish that Mac Farlane , some of Trini revellers, Roslyn Gabriel's S>E>A students awaiting results, and more steelbands could be invited.
Overall, it was a fair sample of Trinidad, but moreso of the Carribbean.
We went to "Tassa" Trini restaurant after, and hand some calaloo and pelau, a little Bus up shirt etc.
I am winding down my holiday now in Florida.
Thank you, Errol, for printing my request ....Mausicans in Atlanta etc. and posting my photo. Thanks to all Mausicans who made my holiday a pleasant one.
My best regards to you.
Keep up the Calypso lists. Every hostelhad its Kaiso princes and princesses with songs like
"If yuh see them flies",
"Sausage in the morning, Sausage in the evening"
Don't forget Louise and Kirkendalians contributions. Mike and they can still sing  "OH WASA". I give them permission.  It was by no means a rude song. I was very naive then, and sang it on behalf of those who hardly got water from WASA, so do not make it into a suggestive song as some Mausicans did.
The Tobago boys were great in music too. Richie reminded me of the many calypsoes that he composed, also for Myrtle. I enjoyed  Vernella and  V  the pastor, and Philo on the piano. Don't mention the boys on the drums and Earl Knights with the trumpet? Hope some of these artistes will be there. Make cds and videos for those who are absent to enjoy.
Remember' Minute' silence for Roland, Pat James and the others when you get to New York.
God bless.
Patricia Scott-Phelps

RE: Mausica Calypsonians

Dear Finbar,
I am almost sure it was Lester who sang "Bring Back  We 330."  I can remember his suggestive pronunciation of that "paltry" sum. One of those guys sang one on "Grell Cup"- that's the garden competition we had each year. Lester sang it at a concert we held at Golden Grove prison in  '71  but I don't remember if he was the composer. Those were the good old days.
Euline Fox-Peters 70-72.


Hello fellow Mausicans
I have followed the prep and planning for the New Yprk reunion with great interest, and pride in the organising team who are really taking this labour of love so seriously.  I am unable to attend for various reasons, but my thoughts will be with you all.   It will seem like ages till 2013 when Trinidad will be the golden venue.   I trust that by 2012 good.  and reliable access ( sea and air) to Montserrat will be in place so that those of you who are so minded can come and check us out in the interim year.  August 2011 will mark my 30th year on the island of Montserrat and I have never regretted coming here, as it brought me closer ( than the UK) to Trinidad, land of my birth , and Guadeloupe which allowed me to spread my French wings.
The volcano has been reasonably quiet since Feb 2010,   We are getting serious about exploitation of Geothermal energy and good things are happening even in our depressed economy.  So think about it.  check  for info on the island and for up to the minute news re the volcano which you can actually see face to face!   Have a great reunion and please  take on Buzzie's request to sort out your accommodation needs.   No one should be frazzled  when the time comes around.
Blessings, pat
Sydna Belgrove, did you live in Oilfield Fyzabad? where are you now?
The attachment is the photo of a stone I found during my morning walk last Wednesday... it is faithful in form and proportions to the island of Montserrat. A very uncanny detail is a proportionately large "bump" where the volcano dome is located in the south east!.   I keep on wondering if someone manufactured this and left it around to be found!
Pat Ryan


Hi Pat, Thanks for sharing that lovely photo. It really was wonderful to see your radiant smile after over two decades. May God continue to bless you richly. Joy A. James Valdez, your Kirkendalian sister ('72-'74).
Joy Valdez


Some lines from notable Mausican calypsoes that I still remember
" Ryan, Hospe, and Mac, see them running through the track"
"Well the folk song choir, in Mausica, is the greatest ever"
"Ramos, Celia Parker, Chicken, Hops and Saturina, "
Gilbert "Happy" O Connor, I can never forget. When we went to Guyana in 1970 to help them build their road, an something happened in the camp, and a girl from UWI complained bitterly, and in public at breakfast,  to the camp commander, Mr. Young, what her fellow UWI students had done. 10 minutes later, Happy had a calypso composed. He came to me asking me whether I could accompany him on my quatro. With the encouragement of another Mausican, we were on the public address system singing the calypso for the entire camp. Because of the calypso the girl was given an uncomplimentary name for the duration of the rest of her stay in Guyana.
Garth Nicholas '69 - '71

Friday, June 03, 2011

RE: Big Apple Reunion 2011

My FellowMausicans,
Greetings. The countdown has begun. Just 56 days to go before Mausicans tour the Big Apple.!!!
Regarding the room block at the Long Island Marriott, I wish to remind those who are interested, that the cutoff date is June 26th. Currently, there is one reservation.
I am happy to inform you there is still room at our Housing Accommodation at Hofstra University but you must hurry for there will be a cut off date also.
Those people who plan to arrive in New York on that midnight flight, (Monday midnight) from Trinidad, please let me know so we can make transportation plans and early check in at Hofstra.
The Planning Committee is working hard and striving for excellence. Let us hear of your concerns and they will be addressed accordingly.
Warm wishes,
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

RE: Greetings

My fellow Mausicans,
First , I  must apologize for  assigning the wrong last name to calypsonian Agnes Howell.  Then I forgot to mention Lord or Mighty Scratchy, the man who sang about those students from Pt Zagaya who forgot how tuh eat dasheen, yam and breadfruit once dey enter Mausica
Scratchy, my Havenite brother,  was bad fuh days.. Early Saturday morning ah fella call meh and wanted tuh know how ah could leave out de Mighty Richie. Then he proceeded tuh sing about three calypsoes fuh meh. Godwyn Richardson real good too.  He lose ah competition by half a point.
By no means was my list complete. So doh shoot de messenger. Just come tuh de reunion and leh we sing.
As usual,
Rodney Foster


This is good news
Errol Jones


Dolphus, yuh feel is only you name Rodney or what.  Sorry ah make yuh head hurt yuh.  I eh know no Agnes Carnavan in Mausica, wha year she was? Yuh eh remember Earl Carnavon. Ah know  Agnes Howell, Junior Howell sister, who was a riot all by herself in Mausica, she used to sing calypso, and was like salt, in everyting. Ah hope dat someone get in touch wid her. I visited her at her home when I was in NY some time ago. She is the principal of a Public School ( was at the time.) Maybe she has retired by now, will try to find Junior and find out.  Junior also received a big time award from some foreign country, very recently ( really should ah cut it out from d newspaper) for his Innovation in Steel Pan. He created some new type of pan or chrome paint for pan. I remember seeing him with pans of all different colours surrounding him.  Dey really was lookin pretty.    Will really need to get the correct information. We can have a Mausica Gallery,with Mausicans who have changed or are changing the face of our nation daily.  Maybe we could leave that for the 50th Anniversary. (OMG!!! Ah open mih mout. Leh mih shut it fas, fas.) Ah gorn. Love you all. Blessings Abundant and a World Full of Love.
Anna Maria Mora


I humbly apologize for the mix up that I made with the names in  my haste last time.
Correction  ---Richie and Rodney are two different Mausicans.
It is Godwin "Richie" Richardson
"Richie" is short for Richardson. Richie is trying to arrange a lunch or so.
Allan Simpson is very involved in the Atlanta Carnival this weekend. He is bringing out a band.
I look forward to seeing all  on this weekend. This is also Memorial weekend. Monday is a Holiday in USA.
Have a Good weekend! There is light after the storm last night. I empathise with those who suffered damages to property  and /or self.
Cheer up. Praise God it was not worse.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You have a better life to come if you believe and trust in God. Keep courage.
Here is a surprise in the next e mail. I have only changed from dark brown afro to lovely silver grey. My daughter's photography. you can view her website.
Have fun at the New York reunion.
Pat Phelps
Patricia Scott-Phelps