Tuesday, August 17, 2010


2010-AUG-13-2017Hrs Hi Errol,
I do not read the "Weekly" regularly but wish to congratulate you and all the contributors that have made it a reality and keep it interesting. Mausicans are realy a special group and that can be seen from the variety of contributions.
Where else can one get the "concerns" of Finbar or Kamla? (Abdool of course!) What I like is the goal of Pat to record a "History of the Junior Secondary Schools". To a large extent Mausicans made them successful and so too many of the students who were "educated" there. I hope the contributions will pour in but the sequel is the Senior Comprehensives. That episode our our history need to be recorded as well. So Mausicans you are still needed!
Greetings to all,
Ronald Richardson (Toro)

Ronald Richardson

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