Friday, August 13, 2010


I'm reaching out to my room mate, Patsy Julien, and the following Mausicans who shared a special bond from 1973-75: Jacqueline Phillip, Elsa Saunders, Carol Gordon, Brenda Scipio and Janet Gordon. Yes, you naughty girls who made many a mischief in the halls of Kirkendale. Let's do it again in NY at the 2011 reunion. Patsy, you kno' yuh space booked. Carol is ah New Yorker. Janet and Brenda, and Elsa out in Florida, ah no we behinds not too big to squeeze them together for de occasion. Just, please, doh pay mih back for hiding Pam wig in '73. Allyuh no de hairpiece is quite ah fashion statement nowadays. Too besides, allyuh too big fuh dat kind ah childishness now, eh.
So call mih, (917 297 7996/718 922 2220) email mih; do something. It will be as de US youths say, MADD FUN to be together again.
Melvina Dick

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