Sunday, November 30, 2008

Re: Luncheon 2008
Congratulations to the Kirkindale 'Girls' for pulling off a very successful event.
It seems like each time we see some new people. The presence of Ms Hordatt and Mr. Maundy reminded me in a sense of the presence of royalty presiding over the ocassion. Early congratulations to Ms Hordatt who says that she will celebrate her 90th birthday on January 1st. God bless her.
The singing was at both ends of the spectrum. Some were very good and some were...Oh gawd....Hazel Thompson...the words came eventually and Gregory...I heard some words that didn't exist.... But all in all another wonderful, rich experience.
As usual some of us had to leave last...just enjoying the lime...Alisford sorry I couldn't help you with the equipment.
I look forward to Grenada.
finbar 70-72
'take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan

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