Saturday, November 15, 2008

Re: eating the errors.
Thanks for the compliment Scratchie. If I was not a teacher of teachers and children, I might have been a stand-up comic. " Eating the errors" came from my mother, who could not afford to have her daughter(one of 11 children) experimenting with food stock to create recipies. Well, once, I tried making sweetbread, at age fourteen or so, and it came out so heavy- still raw inside, that our dog refused to eat it. It took me a while to live down that one.
"See, even the dog would not eat your errors."
I admit, I am a much better sweetbread maker now. I regularly do them as gifts to friends.and for the TnT Thanksgiving Dinner held in Houston every year.If children are allowed to try things, they may make a boo-boo, but they learn from the errors. By the time I lived on Mausica campus, Beryl Woods was complimenting me on my Christmas Cake.
Anyone knows anything about Anna Sylvester? She was in my tutorial 1967-68.
Linda Edwards-Romain

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