Thursday, September 04, 2008

Re: National symbols of Montserrat
Hi Errol
I trust that the break is going well and that you are rested and more relaxed. Just want to share some of Montserrat with the Mausica community. Pics are of the Montserrat Oriole, the national bird, and a Mountain chicken, which is a local delicacy in season and which I will not touch! This particular Oriole is endemic to Montserrat. When their habitat was threatened by volcanic activity, some were taken away for safety by the RSPB. The mountain chicken too was similarly removed and 24 hour video monitoring showed that the female always reserves some of her eggs and uses them later on to feed her tadpoles!.. so different from ordinary frogs. I am happy to report that both the oriole and mountain chicken are now thriving on island. Pat
Pat Ryan

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