Friday, September 19, 2008

Interesting, that Mausica closed because of a question surrounding our committment to teaching and the quality of the young graduates!!!!! What &%*l-@#^t. I am sure that they are now very sorry about this move. The education system is suffering. The Ministry of Education has just launched a "Violence ----- Academy" can't remember the middle word.They have brought down some caucasian gentleman and team to oversee the setting up of this "training" academy, for teachers, and all who work with schools. This team will be coming into Trinidad about four times between now and June next year to monitor the progress of this "academy." Money spending fuh so. Apparently, there are no professionals in Trinidad who can help with this. Again, an illustration of "A prophet is not without honour except in his own country.." It never ends does it.
Anna Maria Mora

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