Saturday, December 03, 2016

RE: Fwd:

Our Christmas get together was an enjoyable evening. The food was delicious, the ambience was great and the location was perfect for whatever mode of transportation was used.
Joining us for the first time was Sumatee Tota-Kanhai (whom some of us had not seen since 1965) and her beautiful daughter.
Mark your calendars for next year's dinner - Wednesday 29 November 2017.
Picture of our group at the Hothouse for our year end get together:
Sonja (Sumatee's daughter), Eunice Callender, Kay Thomas-Cyrus, Gerry Callender, Brenda Alexander-Perez, Florence Harvey-Sorias, Gloria Watson, Barbara Verhoeven-Mendez, Sumatee Tota-Kanhai, Wnsley Belille, Theresa J​ames​, Yvonne Murray.
All the best
"and this too will pass"
Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

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