Thursday, December 05, 2013

RE: FW: Mausica History (Additional Information)

Hi Errol,
This information was sent to me so I pass it on.

"Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 17:16:41 -0800
Subject: Mausica History (Additional Information)
Hello Joy
I read the info that Dennis  sent to you and I have included some additional info (A few more lecturers and the first name of some of the lecturers that were omitted. (Also included in the list below are the names of other personnel on campus). I am a 64-66 graduate.
Mr Christopher Osborne
Miss Dorothy Edwards (Home Ec)
Douglas Rollins (Science) (Canadian)
John Estok (Canadian)
Pat Houston (Science) (Canadian)
Harold Suphal
Robert Harrington (Librarian from Canada)
John Reiter
Daphne Pilgrim Cuffie (also Dean of Women)
Albert A. Mark (Infant Methods also)
Joseph Mangatal (Health Science)
Mrs. Martin (Matron)
Mr Scantlebury (Audio Visual Aids Technician)
Merle.......(her surname escapes me) (Telephone Operator)
Mrs Arlene Massiah (Dietician)
Joan Parris Brathwaite (64-66)"

Joy Valdez 74

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