Saturday, December 29, 2012


Dear Errol and other members of our Mausica Family,
Peace, Joy, Love, The Best of Health and Happiness for 2013 to our Mausica Family.  Many are still asking for the Bank Account #.  Is it possible to change the info. on the form that has been posted on the website.
Let me here put the REPUBLIC BANK ACCOUNT # AGAIN:  IT IS 660-008-543-201 and please make all bank drafts out to CLARE CREESE-WOODLEY (all info. is on a previous blog) remember closing date is: Dec. 31st.
The committee will meet early in January and access the situation re: registrations and give updates by end of January.  The closing date for the 2nd phase of the registrations in February 28th 2013.
Anticipate, Excite, Reminisce July 2013 Not yet around the corner, but on the "home stretch."
ALSO:  Thank you so much, Kelvin Esmond. I support your position.  As someone who has made working with young people my life's mission and who works really hard to help them to understand that, Without Peace There Will Be No Progress In Their Lives; Someone who works to give young people the tools (vocabulary) to help them to share their feelings and to dialogue with each other so that they can understand and empathize, and learn that we are all in this life together, and who echoes the words of Martin Luther King " Either we learn to live together as brothers/ sisters or perish together as fools," I really cannot endorse Theodore's sentiments. but he has a right to them.  We have enough problems with our young people as it is, to have this young national figure behave like a loose cannon.  There have been many other incidents, witnessed by many, backstage and in other places that have gone unreported, involving said figure.  If this goes the way of many others, we will continue to have the lawlessness that is being witnessed every day and which is apparently getting "beyond the control of the those of us who still some measure of "sanity."
I hope that you always remembter the definition of "insanity."
2013 is "around the corner" let each one of us do a review and make some attempt to do things differently if we want different (positive and peaceful) results in our homes, with our intimate relationships, on our streets and throughout our society.  We must learn lessons from our indiscretions.
Anna Maria Mora

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