Wednesday, December 05, 2012

RE: Mausica Reunion Update

Reunion Update:
Just to let you all know that we have extended the date for Registration/Dinner&Dance to December 31st 2012.  There will be no late payments for this First Phase. We must book the HYATT for the Dinner and Dance by January.  We must understand that Hotels need $$$$ to make the bookings, and with them it is "First Come with the $$$$, will be First Served."  The time has flown. Our committee worked to get information out early (mid-year) to avoid the possibility of missing deadlines for bookings.  We tried.  Keep those registrations and bookings for Dinner/Dance coming.  To all our Trinbago Colleagues, look out for a list with names of committee members and telephone numbers, so that those of you who find this easier, can call and get hard copies of the Registration Forms. We are a committee which will do all in its power to make it easier for you.  Season's Greetings and Season's Blessings. Never forget the REASON for THE SEASON.  Maria
Anna Maria Mora

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