Friday, December 07, 2012

RE: keeping our legacy alive!!!!!!The Mausica Story...

Errol good job I wish you health, strength and continued vision for this BLOG.
Thanks to Rodney Foster for his "shout out" on my re-election for a second term as president of the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Georgia (USA). Also let me say CONGRATULATIONS to Marjorie Foster wife of Rodney who was elected as the assistant secretary of TnTGA, a new addition to the Board. She brings alot of professionalism and fresh ideas to the Board.
I recently spoke to one ah meh Mausican pals Reynold Phillip, principal of St. Thomas RC.,  Mayaro. He visited the States on his summer break, So please include his email in the database
I have read the blog and I agree with the bloggers that our fine Institution, Mausica must live on. Mausicans have played an integral part in the culture and development of TNT. Finally it is important and crucial to let the nation know and those to come for years and years of the "Mausica story" it is a great one and it must be told.
I hereby move a notion that a Legacy Committee be formed to research and sort out the logistics for implementing the best vehicle to use in telling our STORY. Any seconders?
PS: My CONDOLENCES to (Betty and Dave teachers) and the rest of THE TONEY FAMILY (Sangre Grande)
Mr. Toney was a teacher, headmaster and  principal- He did it his way - MAY HE REST IN PEACE.
Congratulations to MS.  Dyer mother of Bernice Dyer-Regis on reaching her 100th birthday, what an acomplishment.
404 210 9493

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