Monday, December 31, 2012


just one correction to the blog Winston Montano ( Monty )  and Elizabeth Romain-Montano ( Liz ) are both mausicans from the 69 to 71 group. Thank you
Ansel Knights

Saturday, December 29, 2012


I know the mother of the Princes Town victim ... I knew when she was carrying him ... met him as a toddler ... infant. His mom was a teacher and retired as a Principal. I'll concede my thought process is compromised .... Jail his arse should be the byline.
What is it about Presentation College and Hooliganism. Remember Manning and the Radio Station, Panday ... now Machel. You don't see Naparima Boys Graduates behave like that.
Look at Darren Ganga ... the Epitome Of Class.
Oh Boy! Now my Presentation guys going to come after me ... Jimmy Wong, Tony Deyal, Rawle Aimey, Dr Keith Clifford, Dr Hazare Imambaksh, Dr Anil Ramnanan, Chester Morong, Dr Denzil Seedial.
Seriously ... Regardless of my prejudice, I'll do my duty for a child of Mausica. If you know of Machel's philanthropic work for nationals of TNT .... instances of role model activity for our youth ..
Kindly forward and I'll pass on to the Mausica Alumni so they can petition the Minister Of National Security for leniency.
There is precedence in the Homeland. Remember Dr Patrick Solomon.
Alan Simpson


Dear Errol and other members of our Mausica Family,
Peace, Joy, Love, The Best of Health and Happiness for 2013 to our Mausica Family.  Many are still asking for the Bank Account #.  Is it possible to change the info. on the form that has been posted on the website.
Let me here put the REPUBLIC BANK ACCOUNT # AGAIN:  IT IS 660-008-543-201 and please make all bank drafts out to CLARE CREESE-WOODLEY (all info. is on a previous blog) remember closing date is: Dec. 31st.
The committee will meet early in January and access the situation re: registrations and give updates by end of January.  The closing date for the 2nd phase of the registrations in February 28th 2013.
Anticipate, Excite, Reminisce July 2013 Not yet around the corner, but on the "home stretch."
ALSO:  Thank you so much, Kelvin Esmond. I support your position.  As someone who has made working with young people my life's mission and who works really hard to help them to understand that, Without Peace There Will Be No Progress In Their Lives; Someone who works to give young people the tools (vocabulary) to help them to share their feelings and to dialogue with each other so that they can understand and empathize, and learn that we are all in this life together, and who echoes the words of Martin Luther King " Either we learn to live together as brothers/ sisters or perish together as fools," I really cannot endorse Theodore's sentiments. but he has a right to them.  We have enough problems with our young people as it is, to have this young national figure behave like a loose cannon.  There have been many other incidents, witnessed by many, backstage and in other places that have gone unreported, involving said figure.  If this goes the way of many others, we will continue to have the lawlessness that is being witnessed every day and which is apparently getting "beyond the control of the those of us who still some measure of "sanity."
I hope that you always remembter the definition of "insanity."
2013 is "around the corner" let each one of us do a review and make some attempt to do things differently if we want different (positive and peaceful) results in our homes, with our intimate relationships, on our streets and throughout our society.  We must learn lessons from our indiscretions.
Anna Maria Mora


I corrected a Typo and added a mine and one other name.
Dear Errol:
I read the comments of "Kelvin Francois" on my note asking for support of Machel Montano. The point was that he is the child of a Mausican. In any family, there is variation, and we have to cherish all. We remain the Mausica family, and that family is extended, and I would ask for leniency for anyone who belongs to it. Leniency is not to be conflated with condonation. Mr. Francois misses my point, and decides to label me as a "fan" of Machel, and declares that he is not a fan. I believe in forgiveness. I know the parents, and don't need to be a fan to empathise.
The second point is that Mr. Francois refers to me as "an unknown Theodore Lewis". I am not sure what to make of that. There are many, especially those who came after 1970 who I do not know. There are Mausicans who came before 1967 whom I do not know. But that does not make them "unknown." I am among a small group who spent THREE years at Mausica, being called back for a third year for specialist training (agriculture, industrial arts, Home Economics) for the junior secondary schools. So I had more exposure than most, and was active the whole time, in extra curricular activities.
I am known by people who know me. I feel somewhat like Lord Nelson who was called "foreigner" by the immigration people at the airport, and he had to point out to them why he is not a foreigner, just because he had a Green card.
I do not feel I am unknown. I went to Mausica in September 1967, and joined Fairhaven hostel which was the headquarters of the RED GUARD. Red guard men in the hostel included Geezmo (Kent Rennie), Rodney Foster, Calsbury Gonzales, Martin Brathwaite (deceased), Andrew Miguel, Michael Murrel, and Sto (Selwyn Bethelmy). These men ran the place.
In my first week in Mausica I made the football team. On the team were the following second years: Efebo Wilkinson (Goalkeeper), Phillip Kendall, Geezmo, Carlsbury, Frederick Beckles, Joe Ragoonansingh, Darnley Gittens (captain), and Gerald Hernandez.
The first years who joined the team that first week along with me were Gregory Byrne, Nazir Khan, Roy Jagroopsingh (deceased), Dave Didier, Kelvin Newton, and Wray McBurnie.
The next year 1968, a new batch of players joined us second years---Ronald Benjamin, Reynold Davis, Andy Forbes, Richard Spence, among others.
I was in the alumni choir that practiced on weekends. I toured the country with them, and was part of Village Bacchanal, and the recording in the auditorium that was spoiled because there are croaking frogs in the background. I went to Grenada, Martinique, Guadaloupe, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica with the choir. Me and Paddy used to do the little skit in "Long time gyul". I was in Grenada for "Bellingsgate" when the warden heard Gregory Wallace and others cussing and decided to manners we.
I was in the regular choir that sang Clang, Clang, Clang. We lost that night in Queens hall because most of us were studying backstage for a final next day. Our minds were not on singing.
In 1968 when Efebo won the calypso crown, I was third. Gregory Byrne was second.
In 1969 I won the crown, with Pearl Mulrain and Gregory Byrne runners up. Pearl sang "the pudding tumble down (while the Joe was speaking).
I was nearby when the pudding actually fell in the FORMAL DINNER (on Cheryl Gittens-deceased).
I was part of the Fairhaven squad that went to the Villa and pulled Django from the cupboard in which he was hiding so we could TAKE him for disrespecting a Havenite. He had thrown cow-itch on my bed.
I was part of the famous study group led by Gwendolyn Williams, that included Yvonne Fitz-Andrews (deceased), Barbara Davis, Carol-Ann Doolam, Judith Chrysostom, Monica Davis, Bernice Placide, Monica Ali, and Allison Gibbons, and Andrew Lum (tenor).
Gwendoline, Noel Duncan and I were the members of the debating team that beat UWI in the auditorium. Topics in the competition were (a) "nothing is right or wrong: it is thinking that makes it so", and (b) Professionalism in sports frustrates true sportsmanship.
I was the runner up to Geezmo in 1968 in the race from Piarco to the auditorium. I won that same race the next year. On the sportsday I was Victor Ludorum.
So the point is, I was known when I was at Mausica, because like many others, I participated. Fitzy and the Cuff know me still. As do faculty such as Linda Romain and Cliff Bertrand.
It was I who shouted out "Bolero" in the auditorium causing the Principal to find out and send for me, only to be confronted with a very large delegation that caused him to change his mind, about whatever was on it.
I am the Lord Scratchie, from Fair Haven. I was a member of Glory Guys,along with Foo, Clydee, Kenneth Bobb (deceased), Gregory Byrne, Allisford, and Wray McBurnie. I was there when some men from Haven flood the ground floor of Mayfair and Beckles started crying because all of his stuff was floating down the corridor, and he take up a cutlass.
I just don't think I could be unknown with this level of activity, which does not even include my work on campus radio stations in the night, calling home my roommate from Kirkendale.
Theodore Lewis.


Dear Sir
Seasons Greetings to the Mausican Family!  Kindly include in your directory for receipt of Mausica Weeky E-mails: Kay Soondarlal (68-70).  She could be reached at
Dhanpati Lalla-Ramcharitar

Friday, December 28, 2012


To Esmond Francois:
Well said.
Myrtle Dickson


Dear Errol:
I read the comments of "Kelvin Francois" on my note asking for support of Machel Montano. The point was that he is the child of a Mausican. In any family, there is variation, and we have to cherish all. We remain the Mausica family, and that family is extended, and I would ask for leniency for anyone who belongs to it. Leniency is not to be conflated with condonation. Mr. Francois misses my point, and decides to label me as a "fan" of Machel, and declares that he is not a fan. I believe in forgiveness. I know the parents, and don't need to be a fan to empathise.
The second point is that Mr. Francois refers to me as "an unknown Theodore Lewis". I am not sure what to make of that. There are many , especially those who came after 1970 who I do not know. There are Mausicans who came before 1967 whom I do not know. But that does not make them "unknown." I am among a small group who spent THREE years at Mausica, being called back for a third year for specialist training (agriculture, industrial arts, Home Economics) for the junior secondary schools. So I had more exposure than most, and was active the whole time, in extra curricular activities.
I am known by people who know me. I feel somewhat like Lord Nelson who was called "foreigner" by the immigration people at the airport, and he had to point out to them why he is not a foreigner, just because he had a Green card.
I do not feel I am unknown. I went to Mausica in September 1967, and joined Fairhaven hostel which was the headquarters of the RED GUARD. Red guard men in the hostel included Geezmo (Kent Rennie), Rodney Foster, Calsbury Gonzales, Martin Brathwaite (deceased), Andrew Miguel, Michael Murrel, and Sto (Selwyn Bethelmy). These man ran the place.
In my first week in Mausica I made the football team. On the team were the following second years: Efebo Wilkinson (Goalkeeper), Phillip Kendall, Geezmo, Carlsbury, Frederick Beckles, Joe Ragoonansingh, Darnley Gittens (captain).
The first years who joined the team that first week along with me were Gregory Byrne, Nazir Khan, Roy Jagroopsingh (deceased), Dave Didier, Kelvin Newton, and Wray McBurnie.
The next year 1968, a new batch of players joined us second years---Ronald Benjamin, Reynold Davis, Andy Forbes, Richard Spence, among others.
I was in the alumni choir that practiced on weekends. I toured the country with them, and was part of Village Bacchanal, and the recording in the auditorium that was spoiled because there are croaking frogs in the background. I went to Grenada, Martinique, Guadaloupe, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica with the choir. Me and Paddy used to do the little skit in "Long time gyul". I was in Grenada for "Bellingsgate" when the warden heard Gregory Wallace and others cussing and decided to manners we.
I was in the regular choir that sang Clang, Clang, Clang. We lost that night in Queens hall because most of us were studying backstage for a final next day. Our minds were not on singing.
In 1968 when Efebo won the calypso crown, I was third. Gregory Byrne was second.
In 1969 I won the crown, with Pearl Mulrain and Gregory Byrne runners up.
Pearl sang "the pudding tumble down (while the Joe was speaking).
I was nearby when the pudding actually fell in the FORMAL DINNER (on Cheryl Gittens-deceased).
I was part of the Fairhaven squad that went to the Villa and pulled Django from the cupboard in which he was hiding so we could TAKE him for disrespecting a Havenite. He had thrown cow-itch on my bed.
I was part of the famous study group led by Gwendolyn Williams, that included Yvonne Fitz-Andrews (deceased), Barbara Davis, Carol-Ann Doolam, Judith Chrysostom, Monica Davis, Bernice Placide, Monica Ali, and Allison Gibbons, and Andrew Lum (tenor).
Gwendoline, Noel Duncan and I were the members of the debating team that beat UWI in the auditorium. Topics in the competition were (a) "nothing is right or wrong: it is thinking that makes it so", and (b) Professionalism in sports frustrates true sportsmanship.
I was the runner up to Geezmo in 1968 in the race from Piarco to the auditorium.
I won that same race the next year. On the sportsday I was Victor Ludorum.
So the point is, I was known when I was at Mausica, because like many others, I participated. Fitzy and the Cuff know me still. As do faculty such as Linda Romain and Cliff Bertrand.
It was I who shouted out "Bolero" in the auditorium causing the Principal to find out and send for me, only to be confronted with a very large delegation that caused him to change his mind, about whatever was on it.
I am the Lord Scratchie, from Fair Haven. I was a member of Glory Guys,along with Foo, Clydee, Kenneth Bobb (deceased), Gregory Byrne, Allisford, and Wray McBurnie. I was there when some men from Haven flood the ground floor of Mayfair and Beckles started crying because all of his stuff was floating down the corridor, and he take up a cutlass.
I just don't think I could be unknown with this level of activity, which does not even include my work on campus radio stations in the night, calling home my roommate from Kirkendale.
Theodore Lewis

RE: Mausica weekly mailing list additions

Hi Errol,
Forgot to add the years for Catherine and Althea.
Catherine Rose-Crichlow(  :  71 -73.
and Althea David ( : 68 - 70.
Thanks and Regards,
Maxine Riley-Ironside (67 - 69)

RE: Mausica weekly mailing list additions

Hi Errol,
Thanks for keeping Mausicans in touch with each other
Please add Catherine Rose-Crichlow ( and Althea David ( to the mailing list.
see you all in July 2013.
Maxine Riley-Ironside


Hi Errol,
May God shower his richest Blessings upon you, your family and all members of the Mausica family.
Kindly : ('67-'69) to your mailing list.
Sincere thanks.
Kent Rennie

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Hi Errol, Please add the following 78 grads to your mailling list. With thanks. Angela
1. Ermie Edghill
2. Christine Kowlessar-Jackson  -
3. Angus Sookhoo -
Angela Jarvis


Dear Errol,
Seasons Greetings to all Mausicans and family. May 2013 and beyond shower us with PEACE, GOOD HEALTH,
HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY. Brothers and sisters please remember to register for our 50th Anniversary
Please add to our mailing list, Valerie Ann Francois_Gilbert 1969-71
God's richest blessings to all Mausicans and family.
Elsa Joseph

Friday, December 21, 2012

RE: Response to Theodore Lewis e-mail article

Hi! Erroll,
Seasons Greetings, and I too, join the chorus in thanking you for the great job that you are doing in uniting the Mausica ever growing list of alumni, and keeping us informed of one another. I wonder if you sometimes regret the start of the Blog because it appears to be becoming a time consuming committment, and maybe, a labour of love.
In today's latest Mausica blog, I read the article on Machel Montano, submitted by an unknown Theodore Lewis and felt compelled to post a response. So, can you please include the following in your next Mausica's blog dissemination?
I was a bit surprised at the amount of e-mail space given to Theodore Lewis' ( class of 67-69 ) article, requesting a show of support for leniency for Soca star Machel Montano. I confess that I did read it in its entirety and that the only things that caught my attention were:
1. Learning for the first time that Machel's parents were past Mausicans--Liz and Monty, from the (68-70) year group. Previously, I didn't know that. ( and)
2. That a group of Mausicans from the 67-69 class, was arrested for liming on Frederick St. That too, I did not know.
Theodore's comments reveal that he is a big fan of Machel and hence, will like to see him get off lightly for the offence for which he was charged and just recently found guilty and now waiting to be sentenced.
Unlike Theodore, I am not a big fan of Machel. I do recall him as a young Soca king with his enjoyable 'Too Young To Soca' winning song. I also appreciate his talents and his ascendancy and continued reign at the top of the Trinidad Soca scene, plus his energetic performances and his ability to fill and sellout the seats of MSG (New York's Madison Square Garden) etc.. But, can you present evidences of his philanthrophy and/or his positive influence as a role model for many of his young supporters?
Theodore's argument is that people of Machel's high profile and position are targets,  hence that might have been a contributive factor for his involvement in the melee outside of the Zen nightclub, for which he was subsequently charged.
It is Machel's same high profile and role-model status that should propel him to always act and conduct himself with dignity and decorum. Acts of common hooliganism will not achieve that.
You also mentioned his bodyguards, which begs the question. Where were they on that night of the melee, outside of the nightclub? Had they been doing their duties, then they would have been the ones arrested and charged for their involvement in a physical altercation for their duty-bound attempts to protect Machel.
Finally, I would caution you on seeking the involvement of Trinidad's current Minister of National Security, himself a former Mausica graduate from the pioneer (63-65) class.
My respective Mausica brother currently has a plate filled with his own Ministerial problems and at the very least, will not want to be accused of a charge of 'trying to influence' or prompt a leniency decision from the magistrate who is waiting to impose an assault sentence for Machel's violent actions.
Come on Theodore!!! What are you thinking?
submitted by Esmond Francois ( class of 65-66)


Hi Errol,
Christmas Greetings to you and to Mausicans everywhere and their families. May the joy and peace of the Christ Child pursue you this Christmas and always.
Kindly add Robbie Richardson, (69-71)  - to the mailing list.
With thanks,
Kathleen Clarke-Richardson (70-72)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

RE: holiday greetings

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to our Mausica family.
We wish that each person experiences happiness, love and peace, as we pray for the families of those angels in Newtown whose lives were ended so violently.
The Canadian crew.
"and this too will pass"
Brenda Alexander-Perez

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

RE: Season's Greetings

My Fellow Mausicans,
Season's Greetings once again.
I had to make an unscheduled visit to Barbados to attend a friend's funeral and will spend Christmas here.
I can be contacted at 255-1718. I am staying in Browns Gap, Christ Church until 12/27/12.
Rutherford Hughes are you still in B'dos?
So long for now.
As usual,
Rodney Foster

Monday, December 17, 2012

RE: Inclusion and correction

Name: Cyril E Gairy not Eric Gairy
Graduated: 1975
Address: Cayman Islands
E- mail:
Cyril G.
Cyril E Gairy

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hi Errol,
once again thanks for your invaluable contribution in keeping us alive as Mausicans. Seasons greetings to one and all. TSTT  has done a number on me since I've had no phone and internet services for over a month. They're always working on it.
so, on a borrowed computer, Greetings! Greetings! greetings! to all the N. Americans, Canadians, people out there wherever you are, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND GOD'S RICHEST BLESSINGS FOR THE NEW YEAR!
Angela (Weatherhead) Jarvis

Friday, December 14, 2012

RE: New addition to Blog

Hi Errol,
Please add this Mausican to the mailing list, Elizabeth Carol Monsegue ....
"Little D Wingate 1969-1971
Sandra Lewis-Borde (70-72)


Hello Errol:
Sometimes we have to look out for the children of Mausica, many of whom have the same spirit, mango not falling far from tree. Yesterday the Express published my letter which was a plea for leniency for Machel Montano, who got into a little altercation some time back. Machel is the son of Liz and Monty, who were in the 68-70 group. The reaction on the Express (31 comments and counting) have been somewhat negative. That tells me that the plea was well founded. There are people who have opposite sentiment to leniency.
Machel is one of ours. A son of Mausica passion. He and his Mausica parents have been able to fashion a business based on his creative talent, and on their entrepreneurial skill. The family has creative control over his exploits. I don't condone violence, but people in his high profile position are targets, hence the reason why they need bodyguards etc.
At Mausica men did not just sit back and take stuff. And the Mausica child cannot be expected to have sand kicked in his face.
We have to hope that the magistrate will see that a first offender who engages in fisticuffs deserves a chance.
This is the sort of thing that Fitzy would have sorted out in his heyday.
(Some of you reading this might have been in the group of Mausicans who were arrested for liming on Frederick street early in the 67-69 tenure--Banlon shoppers--and who probably are still wondering who was the man who came into the court on the day of the case and caused the MAGISTRATE to stand when he walked in, and to dismiss the whole thing just like that).
The bald head man in the wings with the half smile had something to do with that.
There are Mausicans in the cabinet now, including one who was the Minister of Entertaiment (63-65), and now Minister of National Security.
All of us Mausicans should keep positive thoughts about Machel Montano, a second generation Mausican. Those who are inclined please write a letter to the newspapers, asking for leniency.
Somebody could probably write such a letter to the Minister of National security. In my letter to the Express I suggested that he could do some community service by creating an anti-crime video.
Machel is a good Mausica child, with Mausica talent, who should in no way be sent to prison.
Theodore Lewis (67-69)
Lord Scratchie (Calypso King, 1969), (Victor Ludorum, 1969)
Fairhaven Forever.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

RE: Additions to the mailing list

Hi Errol
Please add the following Mausicans to the mailing list:
Claire Thomas Ransome (68-70), her email address:
Maureen Sotillo Providence (70-72), her email address:
Alice Alexander Hume (73-75), her email address:
Joan Parris Brathwaite

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

RE: Mausica Reunion

Dear Errol,
Through you, I am sharing my thoughts about the Mausica Reunion. A few minutes ago, I came across the script of the "folk operetta" ( a rather pretentious title for my amateur work), entitled " Mausica Revisited" that I had written for Mrs Cuffie's retirement function. Perhaps we can use it again for the concert at Mausica. It incorporates a number of the folk songs that we loved to sing and will surely bring back memories of our good times and of all our cherished members, such as our dear late Bertie Fraser. Perhaps, too, in the concert, we could recreate our morning assembly and have a few persons, at random, perform or do a speech like we used to do. This should be impromptu and the topics could deal with current issues and could be really hilarious.
What do others think?
Hazel Thompson-Ahye.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Hello Erroll,
May you and all our fellow Mausicans have an enjoyable Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
On Saturday 8th, the Board members and a few friends of the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Georgia kicked off the holidays with a Trini style parang. After a delicious dinner prepared by Vice President,Joyce Thompson, and her daughter, Natalie, we exchanged gifts and then President  Alan Simpson started playing some parang CDs. It was fete fuh so. Alan produce some chac chac and percussive musical instruments. Mankind get bottle and spoon and Joyce grater. People start tuh sing like real paranderos. We party till about 2:00 a.m. It was like Christmas in sweet TNT.
Yes, may you all have a typical Trini Christmas.
As usual.
Rodney Foster.


Dear Errol,
Please add Lazina Razack to our mailing list.  Her email address is
She is from 67-69 year group, my 2nd year.  I met her recently at a T-Party. Had not seen her in many years.  We hugged for a while. Maria
Anna Maria Mora


Sir, not sure if I sent this contact to you before, if not kindly include him on your mailing list: Praimraj Boodram (69-71) -
Dhanpati Ramcharitar

Monday, December 10, 2012

RE: contact

Mr. Lashley
Thanks for the weekly updates, very interesting reading/info.
Kindly note this contact number(no e-mail address available) for Michael Baron, Havenite, 1969-1971.
620 5216
Best wishes
Dhanpati Lalla-Ramcharitar

Sunday, December 09, 2012


Hi Errol,
Seasons Greetings and a happy New Year to you and yours.
I am interested in registering for the Dinner/Dance for the Reunion of 2013.  Please send me further information on committee members names so that I can make contact with the nearest one to my address.
Thank you and God bless.
With kind regards
Theresa Walker-Allick

Friday, December 07, 2012

RE: Add to Mailing List

Please add to mailing List: Taylor V. Victor and Wayne
Isaac D. Victor

RE: keeping our legacy alive!!!!!!The Mausica Story...

Errol good job I wish you health, strength and continued vision for this BLOG.
Thanks to Rodney Foster for his "shout out" on my re-election for a second term as president of the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Georgia (USA). Also let me say CONGRATULATIONS to Marjorie Foster wife of Rodney who was elected as the assistant secretary of TnTGA, a new addition to the Board. She brings alot of professionalism and fresh ideas to the Board.
I recently spoke to one ah meh Mausican pals Reynold Phillip, principal of St. Thomas RC.,  Mayaro. He visited the States on his summer break, So please include his email in the database
I have read the blog and I agree with the bloggers that our fine Institution, Mausica must live on. Mausicans have played an integral part in the culture and development of TNT. Finally it is important and crucial to let the nation know and those to come for years and years of the "Mausica story" it is a great one and it must be told.
I hereby move a notion that a Legacy Committee be formed to research and sort out the logistics for implementing the best vehicle to use in telling our STORY. Any seconders?
PS: My CONDOLENCES to (Betty and Dave teachers) and the rest of THE TONEY FAMILY (Sangre Grande)
Mr. Toney was a teacher, headmaster and  principal- He did it his way - MAY HE REST IN PEACE.
Congratulations to MS.  Dyer mother of Bernice Dyer-Regis on reaching her 100th birthday, what an acomplishment.
404 210 9493

Thursday, December 06, 2012

RE: New Contact

Hi Errol,
Please add Gabriel Cumbermack to the Mausica mailing list-
Mausica 71-73
Many thanks and all the best for the season.
Sandra Lewis-Borde (70-72

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

RE: Mausica Reunion Update

Reunion Update:
Just to let you all know that we have extended the date for Registration/Dinner&Dance to December 31st 2012.  There will be no late payments for this First Phase. We must book the HYATT for the Dinner and Dance by January.  We must understand that Hotels need $$$$ to make the bookings, and with them it is "First Come with the $$$$, will be First Served."  The time has flown. Our committee worked to get information out early (mid-year) to avoid the possibility of missing deadlines for bookings.  We tried.  Keep those registrations and bookings for Dinner/Dance coming.  To all our Trinbago Colleagues, look out for a list with names of committee members and telephone numbers, so that those of you who find this easier, can call and get hard copies of the Registration Forms. We are a committee which will do all in its power to make it easier for you.  Season's Greetings and Season's Blessings. Never forget the REASON for THE SEASON.  Maria
Anna Maria Mora

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

RE: Living The MausicanLegacy.

My Fellow Mausicans,,
This morning, as I was about to read my Daily Word, I spotted "Mausica Looking Back", a collection of poems penned by my Haven Brother, Carver Milton Scobie.
What a delightful reexperience! I had read the book several times before but this time I discovered new insights into the genius of  Carver Milton Scobie, that man from Sangre Grande.
I urge you to get a copy of this booklet.
At Reunion 2011 in New York, we had a Mausica Network session during which Mausicans displayed and sold their goods and services. I suggest that we repeat this event when we Return to Mausica. Authors, artists, entrepreneurs, toute monde come prepared to showcase your talent, your gifts.
NALIS hosts storytelling and other events that could help us in "Living The Leg acy". Contact Debbie Goodman at Nalis.
During one of my brainstorms with Me, Myself and I, we reflected on the Grell Cup, the hostel Flags, the blankets, the kitchen utensils, the mace, the trophies we won, etc. Where are those artifacts?
Would the conservationists return them for archiving at some museum or UWI and UTT? Some time in 66-68, some plates and teacups with the burgundy MTC logo were introduced. They quickly vanished..  I should have "conserved" a few sets.
Ah wonder if meh visionary pardnahs , Efebo and Geezmo,  could put dey hands on ah set or two. There will be no questions asked.
Performers start rehearsing your acts for the concert. at "Return to Mausica."  In 2011, the "We Limin" session at Hofstra was a g reat success. We transformed a barren classroom to Queens Hall. We will have a ball in the familiar HMJ Hall.
So long for now, my dear friends. Spread the word, "Reunion 2013" will be great.
As  usual,
Rodney Foster

Sunday, December 02, 2012


Please include Claudette Hinkson ( 72-74 on the mailing list.
I would like to join with the Mausica family in extending condolences to Elizabeth Chew-Lin (Betty Toney 71-73) on the passing of her father David Toney of Sangre -Grande. Mr Toney, a former Principal, was more than a master teacher and he made a significant contribution to the professional development of many young teachers in his time. His principles and modus opernadi continue to have an impact on those of us who were blessed to be mentored by him. May he rest in peace.
Bernice Dyer-Regis
I'm blessed!!

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Re: Havenites 1971

Do you remember these Havenites from 1971? 
Ricardo Hospedales


Good, Ricardo, Keep up the photography. Same to the other photographers who maintain  an update for us who are absent.
I enjoy reading about Bertie Marshall from olden days of Mausica. He was a great one indeed. His name must go down in TnT's history. Musicians attract people from all walks of life and break barriers of language, country, class, religion and  political affiliation. Thank God for them!
I also salute those of my year group '71-73, also '70 and '74 of Mausica....
Roland Gordon (deceased)
Earl Knights,
Hudson Phillip
"Sweet" Mike
To name a few, not forgetting Miss June Joseph our teacher and guide, and dear Mrs. Cuffie with Parang in Arima and elsewhere..  My classmates can add the rest who accompanied us to win that trophy at Queen's Hall with the"OUR FATHER" and "YO HEAVE HO"
On another note of Culture, I salute in Art, Critchlow and Makemba with Dr Isaiah Boodhoo who never embarrassed us, but would always say, I like the colours even if the painting was not up to standard.
May God continue to bless us Mausicans to share our God given talents and "look up each other"
Pat Phelps.