Thursday, May 31, 2012

RE: Sharing

HI Mausicans
A few years ago we started the Calabash Festival which oened up a whole new activity to me.
We arranged for Noel Duncan of Tobago ( I had seen an article about him in MOTMOT)to workshop with us and he showed us how to " work the calabash" ...  he even had me carving a turtle on a calabash when all I can draw is Tea!
Anyhow , a lot of my spare time ( such as it is ) is spent collecting, cutting, gutting and then carving calabash.  Attached are two of my favourites... they come in all sizes.
have you noticed how 2012 is racing to be in time for the 2013 REunion?  ah cyah WAIT!  Pat
Be safe and be kind to those around you.  Hug your children a lot... they are  never too big for that.   Show the love.
Pat Ryan

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