Saturday, May 12, 2012


Dear Errol at al,
How are you all.  Just to let you know that we have been proceeding "nicely" with the Mausica50 2013. A Theme has been finally decided and we are now working at finalizing the events which will take place between 19th and 26th July 2013.
Dear, Dear Colleagues, please, I am asking you all to continue to excercise your patience with us. Everything is unfolding as it should.  Errol, we will be in touch with you re: putting the registration form on the website.  Is the website being updated. I have not gone on for a while.  We will need to remind people about the website, especially those new members who have come on since NY.   They will have to learn the procedure.  We will be ready to post the form on the website by the end of June.  Thank you all so much for keeping the energy flowing.
Not sure if I mentioned that I will be in Manila, The Phillipines attending the "International Association of Counselling" Conference. Presenting a paper on "Counselling to Advance the Human Rights of Children and Young People." Would have left Trinidad by the time you see this (13th to 20th), then will be in NY from 21st to 26th, back home on 26th, then leave again for St. Lucia on 31st and returning on 4th June.  This latter is organized by Felix, it is a follow-up to our Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 2010.
The work of committee continues while I am gone, asl continue to meet and put what is necessary in place.  I want to thank the members of the committee for their committment and passion about ensuring that 2013 will be  "Unforgettable."
Anna Maria Mora

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