Saturday, May 19, 2012


My condolences go out to the Douglas family.  Like the Maunday children, Inremember the Douglases, with their genteel Mom and very gentle Dad.  I am sure that he is resting in peace.  Phillip I am so sorry that someone used the Mausica Blog to be unkind to you.  After all these years. And after all that we have been through in our lives, I would think that we would have matured, become empathic and  have learned to accept life with all its joys and imperfections.  I cannot recall seeing the email. Will have to look for it.  That person after all this time has not gained any wisdom, which comes with aging.  sorry that you had to go through this after all this time. It boggled my mind.  You are also very right.  This is not what this blog is about.  Maria from Manila.
Anna Maria Mora

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