Monday, August 08, 2011

RE: interesting bio.

Just read your bio on the Weekly E-mails. Yes,you made your contribution, and must gasp in agony at the thought that we as a people seem to have lost our way.
Glad to know you were associatied with the Unit Trust Corp. The brainchild of a UWI graduate of the class of '67, the year I graduated.
People used to wonder what ecnomists do. Well that group from UWI- Richardson Andrews, Clyde Crosby  and others certainly showed what they do.
As a teacher, I take pride in the achievements of Mausicans outside the classroom. I am proudest of Anna  Maria Mora, Lester Efebo Wilinson, our first Ambasador to Cuba,Dr. Harold Robertson, former head of mission in New York and other traiblazers.
Perhaps Maria can be instrumental in creating in the library at NALIS in town, a wall of honor of dstinguished Mausicans who went beyond. Perhaps she could have them call it the Vere Romain-Achong Memorial Wall. She was my sister in law who harangued the governments for about 35 years, to build a decent library. She once damaged her foot  when it went though the floor at the Public Library on Queens Park East. She was the first medical librarian at POSGH, and trained about half the librarians now working in TNT. She died in 2006 just after helping launch my second novel at NALIS- The Sun, The Snow The Sea.
Would it not be good if the theme for 2013 is The Impact of Education- Show them a book
and watch them change the world?
Hope to see you at the reunion in 2013, in Trinidad.
Linda Edwards-(Romain)
Lecturer in English and History
Mausica, 1967-1969

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