Monday, May 09, 2011

RE: Mausicians found

Hi Errol,
Thank you so much for highlighting my search letter.
The following Mausicans found me.
Adelia (1972-1974)       Atlanta
Rodney Richardson (1972-1974) Atlanta
Allan Simpson ( 1976-78 ) Atlanta
Glenda Lewis Henry (1965-1967)......Philadelpia
(I was so happy and excited to hear from them and would like to arrange a dinner or lunch with them  hopefully on 22nd May 2011 if it is convenient to them.
You know, it is always refreshing to re unite after so many years and also to meet Mausicans of whom we may have heard or seen in photos but never met.
I appreciate all the calls. Sorry I was not able to hear some calls when we were at the Grand Canyon. The service went. So I heard the voice mails later. I will,with God's grace, get in contact with each one.
Christ be with you
Pat Phelps.
Patricia Scott-Phelps

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