Friday, May 27, 2011


Hi Errol,
I was a bit tardy in sending my congratulation to Carol Browne, Principal of the  Cascade School for the Deaf,on her achievement for yet another year. at the Sports for the Special Schools. Here team won the March Past as well the Best Mascot.  One of her students has been chosen to represent T&T  in swimming at the Special Olympics in Greece i in July 2011. The student hails from the small village of Blanchisseuse situated on the  north coast of Trinidad.   He would  have  develop  his love for swimming and .natural skill from his home environment. He now has to adapt to swimming in a pool which means staying in Port of Spain. Teachers always rise to the occasion. and so did a teacher at the school..In addition Carol and here teachers are feverishly raising funds to assist this young man to realise his dreams.  In addititon to this  a teacher must accompany him to assist him in  area of communication.This is a worthy cause.  I appealing  for assistance for this young man.
Cynthia Craigwell-Lawrence

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