Thursday, May 19, 2011

RE: Mausica Reunion

Hello Mausicans,
Greetings. We wish to say thanks to all who have responded to the Big Apple Mausica Reunion.  The Planning Committee is working feverishly to keep things moving.
We are in the second stage of our planning, that of making reservations for all our scheduled events. To those people who have done partial payments, it is important to indicate your intention of joining us at the scheduled events, so you would be included in our reservation numbers. I am sure you are aware of how important it is to reserve your spot, if you are planning to attend a function.
Some people have  requested transportation arrangements from the airport to Hofstra University. Please note that we have negotiated with a Taxi service for your convenience  but you will be responsible for the carfare.  The Planning Committee will provide  transportation from Hofstra  to the various scheduled events.
Could you please spare a moment of your time and send me names of any deceased since the last Reunion?. We are trying to compile a list of same to pay our respectful tribute. The Planning Committee will be very grateful for your help.
Please let us hear of your concerns. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
The Planning Committee
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

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