Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Re: volcano update
Hi Mausicans
a check at will give accurate and up to date reports on our volcano in the Soufriere Hills. We have not been inundated with external media persons and that is a sign that things are fair to fine. We know our drill and respond adequately when the circumstances demand. I want to share a few photos taken yesterday afternoon around 4pm in Salem and Upper Frith. The partial dome collapse and explosive activity sent showers of pumice over parts of the southern inhabited area.
Thanks to all who are looking up my Grenadian relatives for me. I'll let you know how my own research is going. Pat
The general title may mislead... oo4,5 show pumice on the ground and my collection in a plastic bag with indicators re size. 008 is the largest piece, given to me by someone in an area nearer the volcano ( safe!) 007 is the volcano taken from that area and the last is "pretty flowers" near the Little bay beach in the north where I live...can anyone identify that plant? first time I noticed it! Reference to the barge is one that ran aground here a long time ago... washed nearer the shore by recent sea surge and now being cut up for disposal .
Pat Ryan

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