Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nice to see that mail is picking up. Good news re Grenada and I can hardly wait to get there. Past students and teachers of Fyzabad Inter / Fyzabad Secondary are advised of an even which will take place in the latter part of November. Please contact Ronald Allum at 868 657 3561 for details. I hope to be in Trinidad for that and for a family visit. Irmine I hope to see you there
I've spent some quality time over the past 2 weeks getting to know the calabash and work with it. Our tutor is Noel Duncan of Tobago. A chance encounter with the MOTMOT TIMES led me to him's a long and interesting story. he now lives in Switzerland but makes frequent trips to his home. Under his tutelage a number of us are fashioning works of some merit for the 3rd Calabash Festival which will run from July 13 - 20 . The week always includes July 18 which is the anniversary of the awakening of the previously dormant Soufriere Hills volcano and robbed us of 2/3 of our 39 square mile island. see for more information.
Noel works exclusively with the green calabash and it is fascinating to watch him at work carving out freehand patterns. He is patient and so willing to share the knowledge he has gained over the years. If anyone in Tobago can let me know if the MOTMOT magazine still exists I would be grateful. My issue was dated 1998 and I picked it up an event in Trinidad in 2006... thanks Anna Maria that was a great birthday present! We have also been learning how to make hats, basket and little fishies out of coconut leaves ,,, jewellery is laso on the programme. I settled for the fish and made e few to put in my calabash vase... my real passion is the calabash itself and I can harvest some just down the road from where I live. Love to hear form thise of you who have ever worked with any kind of calabash. Over the past twoo years we used the dry fruit which we painted, cut up to make vecklaces and earring, purses etc
Stopping here to leave room for others. Pa
Pat Ryan

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