Thursday, July 31, 2008

Re: FW: Introducing Roots and Culture Tours NYC
Errl I got this too late for this week's blog. Monthina is my god daughetr, a very serious young woman who now lives and works in NY. Please pass his on to Mausican New Yorkers in addition to putting it on next week's blog.
Subject: Introducing Roots and Culture Tours NYC

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Re: volcano update
Hi Mausicans
a check at will give accurate and up to date reports on our volcano in the Soufriere Hills. We have not been inundated with external media persons and that is a sign that things are fair to fine. We know our drill and respond adequately when the circumstances demand. I want to share a few photos taken yesterday afternoon around 4pm in Salem and Upper Frith. The partial dome collapse and explosive activity sent showers of pumice over parts of the southern inhabited area.
Thanks to all who are looking up my Grenadian relatives for me. I'll let you know how my own research is going. Pat
The general title may mislead... oo4,5 show pumice on the ground and my collection in a plastic bag with indicators re size. 008 is the largest piece, given to me by someone in an area nearer the volcano ( safe!) 007 is the volcano taken from that area and the last is "pretty flowers" near the Little bay beach in the north where I live...can anyone identify that plant? first time I noticed it! Reference to the barge is one that ran aground here a long time ago... washed nearer the shore by recent sea surge and now being cut up for disposal .
Pat Ryan
Re: Keeping connected
Hi Errol
Congratulations for allowing Mausicans to keep connected. I look forward to the weekly emails. I was able to connect with Kenny after ....oh...oh...42 years.I also want to thank Ermine for the bligh !
Keep up the good work Errol and May The Blessings Be !
Joan (jay bee) - (64-66)
Joan Parris-Brathwaite
Re: reunion
I will be in Toronto for Caribana (this Thursday until next week Wed). ..would be nice to catch up with some of you fact I was hoping that we would have done something during the summer months.
I have my own function (dinner & dance) on Sept 13, so I will not be there...sorry. Tom
Conrad Thomas
Re: reunion
Hi all,
Hopefully you all have time to sit and read emails and not try to do everything on the few sunny or rainless days. By now everyone must know that the date for our Spice it up reunion is the week of July 20. We had agreed to assist the Grenada planning committee and the request is for $ to help defray the cost of souvenir tshirts. The shirts are to be printed in Trinidad and I understand that the cost is quite high. Can we meet to discuss what kind of contribution we are prepared to make? Summer (what summer!) will be gone in about 6 weeks, so I won't be so crazy as to suggest that we meet before September. How about September 14 @ 2pm at my home? Please confirm. Brenda
Brenda Alexander-Perez

Monday, July 28, 2008

Re: mailing list
kindly add this name to the list.
Pearla Brathwaite
Janice Barnes

Saturday, July 26, 2008

oh yes he is .Please add to your mail also She is Judith Ann Chrysostom Barrow ( 67- 69)
Marlene Gilbert
Re: myrna ramdoo nee blackburn
Hi errol
I have been speaking to myrna re the grenada reunion since i came back from tobago. She was at the 1st reunion with me but could not make it to the others . She also came to us from Grenada and has asked that you include her on your mailing list. I shall forward what i have to her and I shall be very happy if you can star sending weekly mail to her asp.
Her email is
Marlene Gilbert
Dates for Grenada, Great, I will be there, I have no problem with the dates. Grenada here I come. Can you get us a visit to that fantastic Chocolate factory that Grenada now has. Grenada now has an industry that manufactures dark chocolate. The taste is really great. Antioxidants fuh so. Pat, you and husband, looking great, pictures should be in Essence or Ebony. Calabash venture sounds very interesting and fun. The name of the artist had me for a minute. My x-husband's name is Noel Duncan and he is also a Mausican. Truth is surely stranger than fiction. I just came back from Tobago with 28 teenagers. We were there for 5 days. Had a gr8 time. Of course with teenagers you cannot really get any sleep, it was a mixed group from 12-18, and you know you have to supervise the hormone explosions. Took them to Youth Heritage, it was great seeing young people being fully involved in the traditional dances, music, food and culture in general. Tobago is really a different kettle of fish from Trinidad. I also did a water therapy exercise, in the Nylon Pool. Water as cleansing and healing, our first "Nylon Pool" the womb, etc etc. Life is challenging many of them and they needed some clarity to help them with the way forward for the new school term. My pre-teens camp is also still going on. Camp ends on 22nd August. Have help of psychology students from the University of the Southern Caribbean, many of you willl know it as CUC or Caribbean Union College. Please all of you, send up a prayer and all your positive vibes for this programme, and I thank you for the positive vibrations. SEE YOU ALL IN GRENADA!!! AH CYAH WAIT. GOD IS GREAT!!!!
Anna Maria Mora
I have on my wall a nativity scene carved on half a calabsh, that I purchased at a Pow wow of the Americas, carved by a Peruvian artisan. Why have we not deeloped artisans of this sort in TnT? The calabash crver, Duncan, moved to Switerland, where hopefuly he could make a living? Could working at this level help our lost young men of Laventille and Carenage, whose recreational activities is mostly murder? I worry about this generation tow after my own. Young men who could be my grandsons are dying every day.
Linda Edwards
In reference to your comment:
I have been thinking that as a group we should find a way to get the cooperation of one of the local newspapers to do feature pieces, on Fitzy and the Cuff
Go for it.................before either one of them dies ! ! !
Jack Warner

Friday, July 25, 2008

I really like the suggestion of Theodore Lewis re newspaper articles on our "living icons". It would be wonderful to see Mrs Cuffy featured in an article in the Express Woman or the Guardian Womanwise.
Joy A. Valdez 1972-1974

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thank you and Maureen for the pics of Joan's visit and those of Wingate. I have often wondered about Joan. And this has to be my good friend, Magnell, with whom I have wanted to resume contact, since leaving Toronto to be married and live in the U.S.. Please let me know if I'm correct.The value of seeing a picture of the front of our beloved Wingate, despite it's physical condition, is immeasurable!! What wonderful memories they evoke! And who could forget Joan at Wingate! She looks great, too..
Maureen, it was so good seeing you at the reunion last summer, and especially at the airport, as we prepared to return to Trinidad that morning. I was also travelling back to the U.S. that very day, and encounterd all kinds of flight problems, necessitating in an overnight stay in Miami, and even more of the same the next day before making it back. It served to remind me to miss BWI all over again, when it had a berth at Dulles Airport, Virginia.
All the best to you, your spouses and your families. My son was married in April, in Atlanta, and we were informed recently, that there is a blessed event on the way. I can hardly wait! Love and God's blessings,
Joy Barnes(Marshall).
Dear Errol:
Greetings from Grenada
The date has been set for reunion 2009.
Week of July 20th-26th.
We hope that this will be good for most and look forward to being hosts.
We just had our elections and it was peaceful but some people are still trying to recover. I think the ousted Government were not expecting such a big upset.
All is well and I am happy it is over.
Please advise us if you have any serious queries from our fellow Mausicans about our Spiceisle.
Fond regards to all
Megan for the Grenadian Group
Megan Welsh
Re: calabash again !
I thought I should explain the pictures. ( titles are misleading but go with my flow)
Some of my results from the recent Calabash workshop conducted bt Noel Duncan of tobago, now resident in Switzerland.011 is the turtle he convinced me I could carve when all I can raw is perhaps water from a well! he tidied it up with the decoration around the rim.
025 is a carved calabash which was later cut to make two bowls
015 I call symbols as the Prickly pear ( alliouagana... the Amerindian name for Montserrat, the Irish Shamrock and a West African symbol for hope represent our historical time line.
001 Not a calabash but a picture from our back yard... the bulge is a breadfruit about to emerge!
018 Again not calabash... a picture of Mr and Mrs Norman Ryan taken last Sunday when we attended the wedding of my former student Lisa who is Norman's cousin, She and our son Graham were in class together at the Montserrat Secondary school.
009 a sample of my work done as a result of the workshop,,, diamonds in the rough is how I like to think of them!The large calabash bears my impression of an Amerindian fertility symbol... it should also be depicted upside down but I did not want to push my luck!
Pat Ryan

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ever the optimist I believe that no news is goos news, If Grenada was not going to happen we would have been officially informed. I have a special interest as I learnt some time ago that one of my paternal ancestors was ANNA WATTS who married LUM POON who came from China, possibly from Guangdon province with other indentured labourers. I must have some relatives in Grenada among whom might be a John Watts... can anyone on the ground help with further information. Anna was African. Thanks.
Joy Marshall and I have been talking calabash... bless the blog for creating opportunities. Thanks Errol, do you have a trainee?
Pat Ryan

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dear Errol:
DATE Week of July 20th. 2009
We hope that this date will be suitable for all.
More details will follow as they become available.
Megan for Grenada Group
Megan Welsh
Re: Pre-Grenada
Hello Errol
I am Phyllis Mottley 70-72.
A group of interested Mausicans who have been to all the re-unions so far have organized a Pre-Grenada get-together to sensitize and mobilize as many Trinbagonians as possible to attend the Grenada Gathering.
This event is carded to take place on Saturday 29th November 2008 @ Cascadia Hotel St Anns. Cost per ticket $225.00 tt which will be available August month end.
Contacts are Judith Hills 673 2625 307 8646 Josephine Simmons 749 2419 Korenza Osouna 637 1049 6853037 Kathleen Richardson 765 7129
Anthea Permell 646 4333 Yvonne Meyers 380 8330 Elsa Joseph 662 5457 Theo Archibald 646 0904 Phyllis Mottley 6404906 777 4015
More information will be given later.
Phyllis Mottley
I have been thinking that as a group we should find a way to get the cooperation of one of the local newspapers to do feature pieces, on Fitzy and the Cuff. The papers do extended independence issues and maybe one of them might take to this. I think just an article of so many words on each of them, accompanied by a picture of each in full flight, maybe conducting the choir. Let the country know about these living the tribute before they are gone. We have any nimbr of people, particulalry pioneers who could write these...maybe some collaboration among people across year groups.
Theodore Lewis (67-69)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Re: Wingate hostel, Mausica, today in its dilapidated state.

Maureen Warner
Re: memories of Joan Kydd and Gene's visit to Trinidad
If you can't see the pictures in this email, click here to see it in a web browser:
Maureen Warner

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Re: More lives passing on!
Hi Errol,
How are you? I must say Thank God for life, health and strength. On Friday Ingrid Aqui-Dolabaille was buried and today July 15th Monica Salick-Brown, the wife of Lloyd Brown was buried. Despite the sadness of the occasion, I was so happy to see so many Mausicans from the '66 -'68 and '67 -' 69 year groups. It was a like mini reunion. I am sure looking forward to Grenada. I really hope I can come. keep up the good work and write soon
Maura Cooseelal
Another Mausican has passed on....... Friday 11th July.
Monica Salick Brown (1966- 1968)
Wife of Lloyd Brown (1965-1967)
May she rest in peace.
Angela Cato-Ifill (1965 - 1967)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My name is Marlene Fernandes Thomas 70 -72 Kirkendale. I have been reading the weekly emails. Sorry that my first contribution is an obituary. Another Mausican bites the dust. Monica Salick Brown 66- 68, wife of Lloyd Brown 65- 66, died yesterday Friday 11th July. Her funeral takes place on Tuesday 15th July at Santa Rosa RC Church, Arima, at 12.00 noon
Marlene Fernandes Thomas
Hi Errol,
I am presently in T&T (again). Today I attended a memorial service in Ste Madeleine for Gerry Callendar's dad who died in Toronto a few weeks ago. His ashes were buried next to his wife. It was a very moving service as the Callendar family celebrated the life of thier father for the last time.
We again extend our condolences and sympathies to Gerry and his family.
Conrad Thomas

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sorry about the typos in my last message folks. I thought I had got them all. Even managed to change Mr DUNCAN's name early in the write up. Ingrid Aqui as I knew her was a sweet young woman whom I met through Judy Joseph Edinborough all those years ago.
For the Fyzabadians I have a change of telephone number for contact with Ronald Allum ( see last mailing) 1 868 697 0802This is to do with the November event.
Had a sneak preview of the calabash exhibition... wonderful!
Pat Ryan
RE: Bernadette
This letter is for Bernadette Pierre. I am unable to send you pictures of our mini reunion. Perhaps you do have a new address.
You would be amazed to know where I am. I am in Costa Rica and will be leaving tomorrow, Saturday.
Let me know the reason for my failure.
God bless.
Barbara Mellowes.
Dear Fellow Mausicans,
Good to get news, but I still have no information on the dates for the Grenada happening.
I am sorry to learn about Ingrid. I did mention seeing someone I thought looked like her in the Miami airport a few months ago.I was not sure it was she. The person looked so very ill and drawn. Now, I know for sure, but as she looked right through me, I was in doubt.She must have been suffering then. May God have mercy on her soul.
Perhaps it would be a good ideato have a list of Maudsicans abroad and state where they can be located, with their permission , of course.I was in Vancouver in May for a Family Law confernce and later read in our Mausica weekly e-mails of a Mausican in Vancouver.I was in Montserrat a few years ago to do a workshop on child rights and now I learn that we have Mausicans in Montserrat. I will be in Vienna in September and Nova Scotia next year August. Do we have any Mausicans there? I would love to be able to say Hello to a Trini voice.
I expect to be in Trinidad for most of next year as I am proceeding on a year's sabbatical.Hopefully, I will see those Mausicans who are at home.I hope the Grenadian do is not in August or September.I will also be home during the last two weeks of July.Scratchy, where are you now?
Hazel Thompson-Ahye
Thank you , Brenda for the news and the pictures re the New York Reunion. I would have loved to be there, but he dates did not coincide with the start of my vacation. The pictures certainly supported your claim to participants having a great time! I was able to recognize some faces. Thanks again. God Bless.
Joy Barnes(Marshall).
Always entertaining and informative to read your blog even though you don't always hear from me.. And I specially look forward to Pat Allum's contributions. Pat, your experiences with the calabash reminded me of my own dear father, who loved to carve the calabash. As a matter of fact, one of my prized possessions is a basket he had carved for me from a green calabash that I had gotten from a calabash tree near the airport, on one my many visits to Tobago, when I would return, to Trinidad, with my young son to visit with relatives. My Dad has passed on now. Thanks for invoking some special memories. God Bless.
Joy Barnes(Marshall).

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Re: Calabash on Montserrat
Call it serendipity or what you will. In 2006, not long after the first Calabash Festival on Montserrat, I was in Trinidad where, quite unplanned, I attended a Women's symposium at the Crown Plaza. There, as I looked through literature on display I came upon issue No. 1 of the MOTMOT Times out of Tobago. As I leafed through, an article about Noel Ducnan jumped out at me... here was someone who was a master calabash craftsman. The magazine was dated 1998 and Noel was from Tobago.
Back on Montserrat, knowing that I w ould be in Tobago for the Mausica Teachers' College Reunion, I made a mental note to find Noel. You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? well when I got to Tobago Mr Duncan had moved on, but I was told that he still made visits to the island. I do not remember leaving a letter with my e address for him, but I must have, as some time later he e mailed me. By that time we were talking about the 3rd Festival and I was given the green light by the Montserrat Hospitality Association to dialogue with Mr Duncan who now lives in Switzerland!
To cut a long story short, Noel has just completed a 2 week calabash workshop on Montserrat. It has completely blown me away and made me "realise" myself as a calabash artist of some sort... still good way to go, but I feel empowered. One afternoon Noel showed me a picture of a turtle and handed me a chisel and half of a green calabash... he would not entertain my protests about not being able to handle the task so I gave in. Some time later, Florence, who chairs the Calabash Committee ,came along and said " Pat, you carved a turtle!" Since she had not been there earlier on, I felt good. Mausicans can relate to my comment in inverted commas... memories of the late Harry Joe who always challenged us to move out of our comfort zone and strive for better things. In addition to work on the green calabash, Noel taught the nimble fingered to plait hats and baskets out of Coconut leaves. I even learnt to make fish from the same material. There were also sessions on jewellery making for which Noel supplied quite a bit of material.
The workshops were very much centred on people's areas of interest and Noel was very flexible. He shared so much of the knowledge he has gained over the years, things you won't necessarily find in books. He taught us how to make an efficent tool for cleaning out the cut calabash in literally seconds ... from an old kitchen knife!. I could go on and on, but some what he taught us can be seen at the Calabash Exhibition from July 14th. The Festival runs from July 13th - 20th and everyone on Montserrat can take part in the various activities designed to provide something for every taste.
For those who would like to be here for the next festival, it will take place in July 2009 during the week which includes the 18th, anniversary of the start of the volcanic eruption.
Mausicans in Tobago or anyone else please pass a copy to MOTMOT Times or any other Tobago newspaper. We owe them a debt of gratitude . I hope the magazine is still alive. Pat Allum Ryan us can be seen at the Calabash exhibition which opens at The Montserrat National Trust on July 14th.

even learnt howto make fish from the same material
Pat Ryan
hi errol
You are doing a wonderful job but I guess for the past weeks my weekly news came back to you because for some reason i could not get into it. I am now back online and would like to continue receiving all the news.Sorry I have some sad news for you Ingrid Dolabaille formerly Aqui passed away today at 6.00 pm.May she Rest In Peace. Year group (67-69)
Marlene Gilbert
Re: It wasn't me
...Just to let you caring folks know that according to the calypso It wasn't me in the obituaries. (Knock on wood) Stanislaus Finbar Ryan is still active on planet earth. The other guy was Herbert (God rest his soul)....Anyhow I met some one at Chalkie's brilliant lecture tonight who said that he didn't call me when he realised it wasn't me. So if it was, how..........
'take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan
Nice to see that mail is picking up. Good news re Grenada and I can hardly wait to get there. Past students and teachers of Fyzabad Inter / Fyzabad Secondary are advised of an even which will take place in the latter part of November. Please contact Ronald Allum at 868 657 3561 for details. I hope to be in Trinidad for that and for a family visit. Irmine I hope to see you there
I've spent some quality time over the past 2 weeks getting to know the calabash and work with it. Our tutor is Noel Duncan of Tobago. A chance encounter with the MOTMOT TIMES led me to him's a long and interesting story. he now lives in Switzerland but makes frequent trips to his home. Under his tutelage a number of us are fashioning works of some merit for the 3rd Calabash Festival which will run from July 13 - 20 . The week always includes July 18 which is the anniversary of the awakening of the previously dormant Soufriere Hills volcano and robbed us of 2/3 of our 39 square mile island. see for more information.
Noel works exclusively with the green calabash and it is fascinating to watch him at work carving out freehand patterns. He is patient and so willing to share the knowledge he has gained over the years. If anyone in Tobago can let me know if the MOTMOT magazine still exists I would be grateful. My issue was dated 1998 and I picked it up an event in Trinidad in 2006... thanks Anna Maria that was a great birthday present! We have also been learning how to make hats, basket and little fishies out of coconut leaves ,,, jewellery is laso on the programme. I settled for the fish and made e few to put in my calabash vase... my real passion is the calabash itself and I can harvest some just down the road from where I live. Love to hear form thise of you who have ever worked with any kind of calabash. Over the past twoo years we used the dry fruit which we painted, cut up to make vecklaces and earring, purses etc
Stopping here to leave room for others. Pa
Pat Ryan

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Re: Thanks
Hi Errol,
Thanks for putting me in touch with Selwyn.
We met last Sunday at his home where my family and I shared a BBQ evening with him, his dear wife, Joan and another Mausican, who is now domiciled in Vancouver, Bernadette Pierre. That was a wonderful mini reunion.
There too, I was able to get some T&T rum to help my family get over a flu bug that neither Advil nor Comptrex seemed to move. Thanks Selwyn. We were able to travel comfortably to New York on Monday.
Now Buzzie I can get in touch with you.
Barbara Mellowes