Friday, December 09, 2022

RE: Trevor Byron ‘72-‘74 does it again!

Dale Scobie 74

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Re: REMINDER: 8 dietary mistakes that contribute to type 2 diabetes


It was with deepest sadness that I got the note from Gwen Williams that our year-group (67-69)colleague Annette Hunte-Lessey had passed away. I am sharing a note on her passing that I have taken from the newspaper Newsday.

Annette was a warm, mild mannered, engaging person.

I hope that over time she was able over to forgive members of our group, along with second years, for being less than supportive of her when such support would have provided her comfort.

She was an outstanding alumnus of the college, as a teacher, and pillar of the San Fernando community till her passing.

Theodore Lewis

"Remembering Hunte-Lessey


THE EDITOR: Annette Hunte-Lessey, a woman of virtue, worth, and ebullience, will be fondly remembered by many.

Her achievements shattered countless barriers in our history when representations of women were met with many calumnies. Her passing is certainly a great loss to the community of San Fernando.

As a former educator, cultural enthusiast and renowned master of ceremonies, Mrs Hunte-Lessey was indeed divine. She was a woman of faith, strength, and humility.

Therefore we should celebrate her life with deep reverence. My sincerest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. May she rest in peace.


Port of Spain"

Theodore Lewis 69

Friday, November 04, 2022

RE: The Brunch - 1972 - 1974 Year Group


Yesterday, November 2nd. approximately 60 persons including members of the 1972-74 student body, former lecturers Wafe, Briggs and Greaves, former Burser Percival, members of the 73-75 and 71-73 year groups, and spouses of Mausicans laughed, brunched, sang and enjoyed a good lime at the Woodford Cafe in Chaguanas.

Organized by Thora Best, Carol Weekes- Brown, Dale Scobie, Jasper Joefield and yours truly, the gathering was entertained by the humour of Gary Woo Chong, the music and timely interjection of comedy by Anthony Sanchez, the journeys down memory lane by Mr. Wafe and Ms. Briggs, and letters from Mr. Persaud complaining about the "fowl thieves" from Mayfair Mansion and Fair Haven. There were no letters of complaint from "Pineapple Smith".

What a wonderful time we had. Of course, we used the occasion to put attendees on notice that the MTC Foundation will be coming soon. At that time we expect that all Mausicans will jump at the opportunity to make contributions to the fund. Until then,  all available resources should be used to hoard these contributions....Sou Sou, under the mattress, "your Nennen or Tanty", Savings club, etc., to keep those charitable donations safe until the foundation is fully registered.

Here are some pictures from the occasion.

Carlston Gray 74

Thursday, October 27, 2022

RE: Condolences


Dear Mausican Family,

It is with great sadness that I write about the passing of a dear friend and brother, Montegomery Chapman. Last Saturday he said farewell to us.

The Celebration of his Life takes place on Monday 31st October at 1.30pm at the St. Charles RC Church, Tunapuna.

Condolences to his dear wife, Farida, of over 50 years, and their children and grand children. May God comfort them at this time of deep sorrow.

He was a beautiful  person who enjoyed sports. May his soul rest in peace.


Barbara Mellowes 66

Sunday, October 16, 2022



Congratulations to President Rhonda Benjamin, University of Victoria and  her Mausican parents Erlene and Ronald Benjamin.

Congratulations to Dr Premnath Gooptar, for winning a Humming bird medal for education. Mr Guptar was indeed an outstanding Principal.

Happy to hear about the registration of the Alumni Foundation and all other events. The legacy of Mausica will live on if even if it is through our children.

Thanks for the work of  Rodney Foster, these emails are made available to us.

Thank you,

Rodney Foster,

Maureen Taylor-Ryan (1969-1971)

Friday, October 14, 2022



What about the 69/71 year group?

Carl Birjah 71

RE: Mausica Teachers' College Foundation - Our Legacy


Set aside something for Christmas.

Get your last Wills and Testament, your after-life contributions, and your annual gifts and donations together. Soon you will be able to contribute directly to the legacy of Mausica. Our own MTC Alumni Foundation is awaiting the final approval from the Registrar's office.

Let's continue to mould our nation through our service and our gifts.

Carlston A. Gray 74

Tuesday, October 11, 2022




My Fellow Mausicans,

Since October 1 is plenty pain. Sometimes ah bawl like twenty Tarzan.

Will we be celebating our 60th anniversary in TNT ?

Time for another Reunion in TNT

Let's do it again.

Rodney Foster 66-68

RE: Mausica


Class of 72 - 74  invites you

            to ........

"So Long We Eh See Yuh"

Come let us meet as we celebrate 50 years since we entered Mausica.

Where:   Woodford  Cafe
              Price Plaza

When:    Wednesday November 02, 2022

Time:     9:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Cost:     $200.00

Please confirm your attendance to
          Thora - 
          Carol  -

Hope to see you there

Carol Brown 74

Friday, September 30, 2022



Thanks much  Garvin for that bit of info. re-Humming bird medal awarded to Dr.Premnath  Gooptar. A former Teacher and  Principal who devoted  much of his time to the development  of education of children. Congratulations  and best wishes to Premnath.

Radica Ramnarine . (73 - 75)



Establishing the scholarship and bursaries fund is commendable. The work has only just begun. We must continue to fund this objective so that many more aspiring teachers might benefit from the Mausica legacy. Those who were unable to contribute to the first fundraising drive, still have an opportunity to do so. Get family and friends involved, pool the contributions and send a lump sum to Mr. Conrad Thomas. Members of the alumni in Trinidad will communicate to counterparts in T&T how such contributions can be made in the near future.

We look forward to continuing contributions from other Mausicans wherever they reside in the world.

Bernice Stephens 65

Thursday, September 29, 2022

RE: UTT Scholarships


Funded by the Canadian branch of our alumni, the first scholarship awards were recently distributed to students of UTT.

Alumni, Drs. Hazel Ann Depeza and Arthur Joseph were present for the ceremony and spoke to the gathering on our behalf.

The work towards making this a permanent feature of our organization has started. We are awaiting final approval for the MTC Alumni Foundation. Once we receive that approval, all MTC alumni, their families, and anyone who shares our mission and vision are invited to join.

Carlston Gray 72-74

RE: Listings



You have Claudia Alman listed as having died on your website She is alive healthy and well. Please note.


Kenwyn Taylor 78

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

RE: National Awardee


In this year's National Awards, the Hummingbird Medal Gold was awarded to Dr. Primnath Gooptar for his efforts in education. Dr. Primnath Gooptar is a Mausica alumnus of the 73 - 75 cohort.

Herbert Garvin 75

Friday, September 02, 2022

RE: Scholarships at UTT


Hi everyone,

We are extremely proud to announce that the monetary contribution made by our Canadian alumni to the teacher training program at UTT has been received. The members of the selection committee recently met to review and interview students.

A big shout out, and thank you, to our friends from the north who got this initiative going.

In order to make this award an annual event, we have submitted the registration papers necessary to create the Mausica Teachers College Alumni Foundation. We look forward to our alumni contributing, and funding this program.

Further details about the foundation will be available soon.

Stay safe.

Carlston Gray 72-74 (fifty years)

Interim Vice President.

Carlston Gray 74

Tuesday, August 30, 2022



Thanks for info. Will do

Carol Bernard 74

RE: Mausica Trivia


My Fellow Mausicans,

Why was MTC such a sweet experience?

Answer: It was built on a sugarcane field. 65 acres or was it 63?

What was the most favorite game/pastime at MTC?

CHESS. Thanks to the Pioneers. What a legacy!

As usual,

Rodney Foster 68



ATTENTION ALL MAUSICANS OF THE 72 - 74 COHORT. We are trying to make contact with all persons of that year body. Kindly make contact with the following persons, either through email or WhatsApp: Carlston Gray - or 1 732 407 0871. Carol Weekes Brown - or 1 868 724 5714. Thora Best - Dale Scobie - or 1 868 681 8877.

Jasper Joefield - or 1 868 685 2954. Howard Spencer -



Howard Spencer 74

Saturday, August 20, 2022



From 1967-1969 Condolences to the relatives of Mike Duncan. RIP to him

Eileen Pilgrim 69



Sorry to hear about the passing of talented Mike Duncan. May his soul rest in peace.  But am happy to learn about the Scholarship fund and  am willing to contribute to its sustainability. Congratulations to those who conceived of the idea and brought it to fruition.

Maureen Taylor-Ryan (1969--1971)

Friday, August 19, 2022

RE: UTT MTCA Scholarship and Bursary Award - Update


Fellow Mausicans,

On August 12th, 2022 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and the Mausica Teachers' College Alumni (MTCA). The goal of the MOU is to create a legacy for Mausica Teachers' College (1963-1975) by offering Scholarships and Bursaries to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education programme at UTT.

I am happy to announce that, following a six-week fundraising campaign, we were able to reach our financial goal, and on August 13th, $10,000 CAN was wired to UTT to fund the inaugural scholarships and bursaries starting in September, 2022.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed in cash or kind towards the success of this initiative so far. We would also like to acknowledge the contribution of our fellow T&T colleagues who are working on establishing a Foundation to facilitate the longevity of the scholarship programme. This committee is headed by Hazel Ann Gibbs-DePeza.

Further updates will be provided via the Blog and/or word of mouth. As well, a personal "Thank You" will be sent to everyone who made a financial contribution.

Selwyn Jacob/for

MTCA Ad Hoc Committee:

Conrad Thomas           Bernice Stephens- Alleyne

Brenda Alexander-Perez  Kay Cyrus

Selwyn Jacob            Brenda Walters

Selwyn Jacob 65

Saturday, August 13, 2022



On a sad note. Heard of the passing of Mike Duncan (70/72). Our Tobago communities will surely miss him. He was an actor, calypsonian, singer, guitarist, and teacher. May he RIP!

Lionel Henry 73

Friday, August 12, 2022

Re: RIP Mike


Michael Duncan 70-72 


Rip August 10 2022



'take time to laugh for it is the  music of the soul....'

Finbar Ryan 72

Thursday, August 11, 2022

RE: RIP Mike


Last time I went to Tobago, I  checked out Mike and Happy at the Sandy Point Beach Club where as part of the Pleasure Pirates they  performed weekly on a Tuesday Night.

I recall part of a calypso in tribute to Mrs Cuffie  by Sweet Mike ( his calypso sobriquet)

So reach assembly...

8 RTT  (ie Radio Trinidad Time)

Get some titilarity  vulgarity

Ah begging you please

She gave us all a chance get a high q performance

No dirty pride or bottle pelting

No nocturnal choral speaking.

Farewell Sweet Mike, continue to make music in the heavens.

'take time to laugh for it is the  music of the soul....'

Finbar Ryan 72

RE: Glory guys airborne frogs


So, one evening a subset of "Glory Guys" decided to go up for dinner in our uniform, which was a thick blue fireman's sweater with a  "Glory Guys" print. Occasionally, we would do dinner in that uniform. We were essentially 67-69 men.  I cannot remember the origin of the grouping, but we cut across Mayfair and Haven. The Mayfair men included Kenneth Bobb, Alisford Phillips, Gregory Byrne,Wray McBurnie, and Orman Fournilier (Foo). The Haven men were Clyde Maurice, Noel T, and I.


I think we may have done this originally for some makeshift concert, but then sort of held on to it for a bit.

We also sat at the Glory Guys table. Noel was President of the student body. Foo was Minister of Entertainment. Alisford was the resident bassist, and KB piano accompanist.

A wooden sapat was part of the getup, and that sapat could be loud on the auditorium tiles...making for a dramatic entrance into the dining hall if we were in full flight. On the evening in question we decided to entertain the assembled with airborne frogs, as they ate; bags of the creatures had been caught on the tennis court for the event.

Anyway, as we entered the dining hall from the southern entrance, near the staff table, we immediately launched a large quantity of frogs airborne,in random fashion.

This created the desired commotion.

My lasting memory of these proceedings is the spectre of Marcelin Pennoy, a second year, on the sill of one of the dining room windows.

One or two people complained that frogs had fallen into their soup.

I also remember that Efebo, a haven man, was not at all amused by Marcelin's predicament, and that he expressed some displeasure.

The frogs were all home grown, authentic Mausica. .

Scratchy, 67-69.

Theodore Lewis 69

Friday, July 29, 2022

Re: MTCA Legacy Scholarship and Bursary Award: Update



We are happy to report that our donation drive for the MTCA Legacy Scholarship and Bursary Award was a tremendous success, thanks in large part to the generous support of many Mausican alumni, family and friends of Mausica in Canada and the US. Ten thousand dollars ($10K Can.) will be donated to the UTT to provide scholarships and bursaries  in the academic year 2022-2023 to students in their final year of the Ba Ed programme. Stringent selection criteria and reporting requirements by UTT are outlined in an updated (draft) MOU, which reflects the results of discussions and agreements between us and the new T&T team led by Dr Hazel Ann Gibbs DePeza.  The (draft) MOU was reviewed by two lawyers in Toronto (children of Mausica alumni), who provided useful suggestions to ensure the integrity of the process and the protection of the funds. Their free advice and assistance are greatly appreciated.

The (draft) MOU was just forwarded to UTT and once agreement is reached, it will be signed by the President of the UTT and our MTCA Alumni representative. The funds will only be sent (by wire transfer) once this is accomplished, hopefully in the next couple of weeks. We will continue to keep you apprised of our progress with this important initiative. If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, we would love to hear from you; please feel free to contact any member of our team, as below, or Dr. De Peza in T&T.

Thankx and Stay Safe.

Conrad Thomas (for)

Mausica Teachers’ College Alumni

Conrad Thomas                 Bernice Stephens-Alleyne

Brenda Alexander-Perez   Kay Cyrus

Selwyn Jacob                   Brenda Walters

Conrad Thomas 65

RE: Mausica Teachers College Foundation


Alas! We have made significant strides towards forming the Mausica Teachers College Foundation.

Led by the efforts of Conrad Thomas and our Canadian colleagues, enough funds were raised to provide scholarships and bursaries to 4th year Education students at UTT. A Memorandum of Understanding, between UTT and Mausica Teachers Alumni, is awaiting final signatures.  We expect that these scholarships wìll start this September. 

To ensure that the presentation of these scholarships outlive us, we have set the wheels in motion to create a foundation. This purpose of the foundation is to receive and distribute funds to deserving students who exhibit the "Mausica Spirit".

At this time, a name search is in progress.  This will be followed by registration of the group as a non-profit organization.

An alumni meeting will be scheduled soon to share information and the good news.

Hazel Ann Depeiza is the chair of the organizing body. 

Carlston Gray 74

Saturday, July 16, 2022



Great job, team!  Proud of you all for your "sticktoitiveness" to coin Harry Jo.

It always feels good to give back in some little way.

Have a great weekend.

Magnell Robinson 65

Thursday, July 07, 2022



Hello to all Mausicans,

Many thanks to all who contributed to the scholarship fund. We are happy to give something back by supporting a student at the University of Trinidad and Tobago. We received our training, board, and lodge, free during our time. I make a special appeal to those who have not yet made a donation. Things can be financially difficult so gather a few friends or family members, make a small group and collect from them. Every amount counts, no matter how small. We welcome your contribution in this first drive or in future fundraisers.

Bernice Stephens 65

Saturday, July 02, 2022



Thanks to all who contributed to the scholarship fund. The response has been good but we can improve on it. Remember that there are many aspiring teachers who now have to pay for teacher education which Mausicans received free of charge. We had housing, food, books, and tuition plus a stipend. This is a great way to give back. Anyone missing this first funding drive can get in on the next. One or two of our colleagues in Trinidad would benefit. Thanks for what many of you have done and thanks in advance for what you will do in future.

Bernice Stephens 65

Friday, July 01, 2022

RE: Congratulations


June 30th, 2022

My Fellow Mausicans,

"In all circumstances, give thanks."

Thanks to the core members of the scholarship committee for the launch of a worthy cause. Just like the vision of Mausica Teachers College, this too will be successful.

This week I visited YouTube and listened to MTC 1964 and

1966 Folksong Champions. What an outstanding achievement!

We revolutionized folksong signing in Sweet TNT, the Caribbean and internationally.

Please visit the site and experience the joys of being a  Mausican.

Thank you pioneers and staff for creating a memorable legacy.

The Scholarship Fund will be another commendable milestone.

As usual,

Rodney Foster 66-68

Thursday, June 30, 2022



Could I have the banking details for the Trinidad bank? I would like to make a contribution. 

Cerrone Glasgow 73

Friday, June 10, 2022

RE: Fwd: MTCA Scholarship Award Update & Reminder


On June 2, 2022, our team sent an email to alumni (Canada and US) requesting donations  in support of the MTC legacy initiative, i.e. the MTCA Scholarship award initiative.  

(Please see below for a copy of the letter, which includes instructions on how to donate.)

The donation drive will last approximately 4-6 weeks with a target of $10K Cdn.  After one week, we have had generous responses from a total of six (6) Mausicans, whom we thank for their contributions.

We encourage you to show the true Mausica spirit by donating TODAY. Our alumni base is small, so your generous contribution will go a long way in assisting a few students trying to enter the teaching profession in TnT.

E-TRANSFERS: If you have/had problems with the e-transfer process at your bank, please ensure that you follow carefully the interac e-transfer steps outlined by your bank or contact them for assistance. Since our account is registered, there is no need for a security question.   

Please note that a group is presently being organized in TnT to kick off a similar initiative. We have been advised by UTT that procedures are being put in place to accept donations directly. This should be ready in  a few weeks and we will let you know accordingly into the account.

Please feel free to share this information broadly with other alumni, your family and friends.

Best Regards,




Dear Mausicans, family and friends of Mausica,


As you may know, we are a small team of Mausican alumni located in North America (Canada and US), who have taken on the challenge of keeping the MTC name and memory alive by establishing a legacy in Trinidad and Tobago that will reflect our MTC motto:”Moulding a Nation through Service”.

We are now at the most critical stage of the initiative, i.e. funding the scholarships to the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), and are seeking your financial support to continue the MTC legacy. We have set our goal at ten thousand dollars (Canadian) for the coming academic year.  This funding drive will last from June 1 to July 15, 2022.

We encourage you to donate generously and to share this letter with family and friends of Mausica. Your donation will make a lasting impact on a future educator and will set the stage for subsequent years.
Make a contribution TODAY and become a Patron of the MTCA family.
We are really counting on your support and generosity to make this a success.

I. - E-transfer to

   - Our RBC bank account name: The Mausica Teachers’ College Alumni (Canada)

II. Mail:
-   Make cheque payable to:  The Mausica Teachers’ College Alumni (Canada)
  - Complete the donation form attached and Mail to one of:

Conrad Thomas
17 Shoreham Avenue
Nepean, Ontario
K2G 3Y8


Selwyn Jacob
2917 West 35th Ave
Vancouver, BC
V6N 2M5

Brenda Alexander-Perez
606-121 Trudelle Street
Toronto, Ontario
M1J 3K4


- e-transfers from US are subject to a service fee of $17.50 Can.
- Please submit your contact information so that we may send you an acknowledgement of your donation. Also, please let us know if you do/do not wish to have your name published.
- Additional information can be obtained by contacting any of the above.



Several months ago, we embarked on an initiative with this objective in mind to provide educational scholarships to future educators in T&T.  We targeted the Faculty of Education (B Ed programme) at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), where the teacher training program reminded us to some extent of our experience at MTC. We subsequently came to an agreement with UTT that we would provide funding for a full year’s tuition and other expenses for a few students entering their final year, commencing with the 2022-2023 academic year. Tuition cost is presently $12K tt; books are estimated at $3600 tt .

While the UTT administrative team is close to completing development of a policy and Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) that would govern the MTCA Scholarship Award, the team has worked feverishly to put in place scholarship criteria and banking arrangements in Canada. It has shared an update on progress with all MTC alumni at a Zoom meeting on May 7, through email and also the weekly blog. There has been general support from the alumni body and a small group has set about developing a similar model in T&T with the support and guidance of our team.

Funds collected will be remitted by e-transfer to UTT. An accounting for all funds collected will be provided by the alumni team and UTT. Scholarship winners will be selected by UTT according to the agreed upon criteria and will be published by UTT and shared with all alumni.

Levels of Support:
Contributor  up to $500
Innovator     $500    - $999
Luminary      $1,000 - $2,499
Visionary      $2,500 +

With Thanks.

Mausica Teachers’ College Alumni

Conrad Thomas                                      Bernice Stephens-Alleyne

Brenda Alexander-Perez                       Kay Cyrus

Selwyn Jacob                                           Brenda Walters


 Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated


"and this too will pass"
Attachments area

MTCA Scholarship Award

Thank You for your Support


Please Complete

Mr/Mrs/Ms .____ First Name_____________________________ Middle Initial_____
Last Name______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________Apt #____________ City_________________________________________  Prov. _________________
Postal Code____________________________ Telephone_______________________________________ Email__________________________________________________

Recognition Name:  I do not wish to have my name published as a donor.   Y/N

Gift Information:  I would like to support MTCA Scholarship Award  with a donation of: $___________  q My cheque payable to The Mausica Teachers’ College Alumni (Canada) is enclosed
Mail cheque to one of:


Conrad Thomas
17 Shoreham Avenue
Nepean, Ontario
K2G 3Y8


Selwyn Jacob
2917 West 35th Ave
Vancouver, BC
V6N 2M5
(1-604-731-5257  )

Brenda Alexander-Perez
606-121 Trudelle Street
Toronto, Ontario
M1J 3K4


- e-transfers from US are subject to a service fee of $17.50 Can.
- Acknowledgement of deposits received will be made in writing to all donors.
- Questions? Please contact any of the above


Thank you for your generous support.

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Saturday, June 04, 2022



I am for the Mausica Scholarship which must be awarded to a teacher of less than ten years in the Service and who, through recommendation by the Principal of the School and two members of Staff and a member of the School PTA, has demonstrated some of these qualities that shaped the Mausican: resiliency, a sincere love for their students as he/she goes beyond the call of duty for them (this is bearing in mind what we had heard as the mantra - you can’t learn children if you don’t love them); and engagement in the all-round development of the students i.e outside of the sphere of the classroom influence e.g extra curricular activities.  It is said that the teacher who sees him/herself as teaching or influencing a child for one year is not helping the child for life.

Let us go for it. It should surely make a difference in T&T.

Jasper Joefield 74

Monday, May 30, 2022

RE: Mausica Teachers' College Leadership, 1967 - 1968Fwd: MAUSICA WEEKLY EMAILS 2022-MAY-13


Do include the following with attachment in the next blog

It was such a joy to attend last Saturday's  Mausica Zoom meeting at which there were two main highlights viz. the Proposed Mausica Teachers' College Scholarship Award Programme; and the tribute to the much celebrated Pioneer Desmond Waite who has just transitioned.

I fully support the Scholarship  Award Programme and this has led me to my MTC archives.

Attached is the memorable document  In Memoriam service to our first esteemed  College Principal Mr. Harry Joseph (HarryJo) who led a Teacher Education team including the incomparable Daphne Pilgrim Cuffie,  Roland Maundy, Fitzjames Williams, June Joseph, Hamlyn Dookhan, Fanny Roopchand, Wilfred Phillips, Ralph Douglass, Matron, Ishiah Boodhoo, and Evelyn Hordatt.

We owe a debt of gratitude to these pioneering Teacher Educators led by Harry Jo who imprinted on our year group 1967 - 1969: 'You cannot  teach them (learners), if you do not love them' ... a mantra that so many of us chanted throughout our teaching careers, and generally in life....  '

Let's see the MTC Scholarship Award Programme as a 'love' tribute to Mausica, acknowledging how our personal and professional identity has been shaped.

Bring back the ole times days.... bring back the ole time ways.....!!  (Richard Nappy Mayers)

Gwendoline Williams 69

Sunday, May 22, 2022



Pearl I think that Princes Town was very well represented with that memorable contingent of four. That pudding song won for topicality. Very very Mausican event, that pudding ceremony. I was at the table on which the pudding fell....Errol Jones, Raymon Mendes, Stanisclaus....among the pall bearers...

very very sad Memories because Cheryl Gittens was at the table and came out the worse...the pudding itself weaponized with alcohol and very much on fire as it fell--on her...

There were other South people in our year group who were a bit older..I think Roy Jagroopsing ...Gaston Alleyne, and Ormond Fournilier would not have been teens....

I think the age balance was right....generally speaking...The people in charge of this thing were wise beyond words..

they designed the community..

Students like Mervyn Sandy kept the place on even keel with their maturity....


Theodore Lewis 69

Friday, May 20, 2022

Re: Fwd: Zoom Meeting May 7: MTCA Scholarship Award



"and this too will pass"

Following are video extracts from the Zoom meeting of May 7, 2022.

Meeting notes along with the slide presentation and Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Scholarship Award were shared on last week's blog.

A letter of Invitation to Donate will be sent out soon.

Comments, questions or suggestions can be sent to:

OR contact any member of the team members as below.

i.                     Presentation on Scholarship Award

ii.                   Q&A and Discussion:

iii.                 Tribute To Desmond

(P.S. Please excuse the video quality; there were technical challenges).

Members of the Legacy Planning Committee

Conrad Thomas                Bernice Stephens-Alleyne

Brenda Alexander-Perez   Kay Cyrus

Selwyn Jacob                    Brenda Walters

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Monday, May 16, 2022



Scratch and Gwen are so correct in their assessment of Arthur Hume. I don't know how it happened but in '97 the four of us from Princes Town were mature students near the cut-off age of 25 and as alluded to by Scratch it showed. Judith Suite and I were roommates for both years at Kirkendale, and subject to correcction, Oswald (Bing) and Arthur also remained together for both years. Yes Gwen you are correct. Maestro and I were good friends and up to a few years ago I was telling someone that if we had kept up the friendship I might have been a calypsonian myself. You might remember 'Walk with yuh key' a pun on persons who sang off-key, and 'De puddin' tumble down' a satire on the event at the Christmas dinner.

I bounced up Arthur ever so often at the supermarket jn Princes Town and we almost forget the shopping as we chatted and chatted and chatted. Arthur remained with the same trim size and was always as neat as ever. He still moved with the speed of lightning. That is why his death hit me for six.

However it is a road we all must take, and from all reports he lived a worthy life. May his soul rest in peace and rise in glory

Pearl Yvonne Mulrain 69

Wednesday, May 11, 2022



Rest in Peace Arthur. How well I remember your quiet demeanour, love of the cuatro, and absolute neatness of attire.

Your brother Maestro, to this day, remains one of my favourite calypdonians... His Bionic Man rendition and death soon thereafter brought me much personal pain.

Rest in Peace Arthur and Cecil.

Gwendoline Williams 69



Pearl, thanks for the alert that Arthur Hume has died. This is very very sad news. He was indeed a member of  the 67-69 group, a Haven man from Princes Town, he and his roomate Oswald Murray both from there.

I remember that he had studied German, among other languages. He often demonstrated  usage of the language in the Haven corridor, deploying it as part of the welcome repertoire to which Haven men resorted when the 68-70 group came in.

What makes this death and that of other Mausicans of my era so numbing is that the only image I have of him is one when he was about 20-21, very much alive in the Haven.

Did not see him since we parted company at graduation. There was a maturity about him, which Oswald complemented.

I had an email exchange with him short years ago, when I was trying to track down the lyrics of his brother Maestro of the song Concert at the hall. We had a chat onnthe phone. Pearl you had kindly provided his telephone number.

The image of him as a mature man is helpful, communicating the seriousness I remember.


Theodore Lewis 69

Friday, April 29, 2022

RE: Photo from Pearl Yvonne Mulrain


Arthur Hume was a student of '67-'69

Pearl Yvonne Mulrain 69



Dear Brenda

It is very heart-warming to see that our dear brother Desmond Waithe is being celebrated with respect and love in several communities he had served with his music in Trinidad.

Do you know whether his funeral service tomorrow 30th April will be on Youtube or Zoom?

Many thanks

Vernetta Calvin-Smith 65

Monday, April 25, 2022

RE: Mausica legacy and Tribute to Desmond Waithe


INVITATION to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: May 7, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 6977 6445

Passcode: 010812


1. MTC Legacy: Alumni Scholarship and Bursary Award at UTT starting academic year 2022-23- presentation and discussion of details. All are invited and encouraged to participate.

2. Desmond Waithe: A MTC alumni tribute to our dear friend and colleague. Please let us know if you would like to provide a tribute to the memory of Desmond

Conrad Thomas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: May 7, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


"and this too will pass"



"and this too will pass"

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65



Dear Mausicans & Desmond’s family & close friends,


May time heal your sorrow


May friends ease your pain


May peace replace heartaches

And May all our warmest memories of Desmond remain.

I will always remember his gentlemanliness & his warm,

infectious smile & I haven’t seen him for years.

May the blessings of this Easter season keep you all strong!

Magnell Williams Robinson (63-65)

Friday, April 22, 2022

Re: Death of Desmond Waithe


This is a wrenching death. Desmond stood out in a place of stars. He moved out of Mausica into the country, and he carried on. It is good to see the contribution of Ronald Richardson (Ritchie) here...the photo from Phase II.each layer of the place...each year group, the many ripples, affected....Thanks to Hazel Thpmpson-Ahye for the John Boulay video.....his Mausica signature....

The Mausica notion of an alumni choir was such a genius idea...the place continuing to grow and to flourish outside of the 64 acres. Harry Joe, The Warden, The Cuff....all glory.


Theodore Lewis 69



Fellow Mausicans,

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Mr Desmond Waithe and I wish to extend condolences to his family and friends.

Desmond was a dear friend to me.  We were in class together in high school and in Mausica Teachers’ College where we were roommates for the entire two-year period.  Most graduates talk fondly about the MTC experience as do I but having a Desmond as a roommate enhanced my Mausica experience.  In my retirement I visited TT yearly, and I always got a visit from him provided he was not globe-trotting at the time.  On some visits, he reminded me of our days in high school and activities that I had long forgotten.  His visits were always pleasant and enjoyable.  When he was unable to visit, Desmond took me to steelband events in the QPS, Skinner Park and Starlift and Exodus panyards.  I was also privileged to take in one of his musical performances at NAPA.  Desmond was never without ideas as to how to make me feel at home in TT.

I will always remember Desmond as a kind, thoughtful person with a wonderful sense of humour and a dear friend.  The fact that our friendship lasted for over half century until death do us part, is further testament to his boundless patience.  Desmond was a good man.  I shall miss him dearly.

We have lost an exceptional musician with a pleasant and gentle disposition deserving of all the accolades heaped upon him

Errol Lashley 65

Des, it was indeed a great pleasure knowing you.  Rest in peace!

Bye now,


P.S. Don’t forget to respond to my last WhatsApp chat.  I am told that this app runs in the cloud.

RE: Condolences


My Dear Mausicans,

We mourn the loss of one of our pioneers, Desmond Waithe, a musician to his soul, like Bertie Fraiser who has gone on before him. Desmond's contribution is widely known. He will always be remembered by me as one who held a cuatro in his hand with a smile on his face. Well done, Desmond. May you rest in peace.

May God comfort his family as they mourn the loss.  May God comfort us all.


Barbara Mellowes 66

Thursday, April 21, 2022



My Fellow Mausicans,

Desmond Waithe was a quintessential Mausican. He and several of the men and women of the 63-65 year group, the PIONEERS, set the standards for all the Mausicans that followed in their footsteps.

When my Brother, Carl Caton, shared the sad news of Desmond's home-going, I recommitted myself to working with all Mausicans who would like to create "The Mausica Legacy".

It's now 2: 30 am EST.

I'll be back with some suggestions.

Let's put our thoughts and lists together. "Together We Aspire. Together We Achieve."

As usual,

Rodney Foster 66-68



Dear All,

We are united in grief over the death of our beloved Desmond Waithe. He meant so much to so many of us.  I knew him from my Best Village days even before I entered Mausica. I remember when I had my interview for entry into Mausica.  The panel became excited to learn I was into these cultural pursuits. During initiation week, I sang John Boulay and some believed long afterwards that I was a Tobagonian. I had not seen Desmond for years, until a few years ago, when we met at a Marionettes concert at Queens' Hall. We were delighted to see each other and shared a big hug.

He has contributed so much and deserves  more than a silver medal.  May He rest in peace.

Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

Re: Fwd: Photo from Ronald Richardson


Ronald Richardson 66

RE: Fwd:


Another talented musician has left. Thanks Desmond for the music.

Desmond Waithe

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65



Theodore Lewis 69



Hi Rodney:

I was sorry to hear about the passing of Horse (Leslie Greenidge)..Sunset illa man.  I called Sto, who lives in Champs Fleurs, but he was unaware.

Horse was a blue blood Mausican from the 66-68 year group. These passings affect me. I had come to think of the Mausican as indestructible. I still think us to be so.

Is that not the lesson from these Mausica children?

We are finding that they too can sing...and indeed can descant..

The curtains are being drawn on early generations, only to open again...for the Children...

Gwennie reminds us of some of the anchors, .Harry Jo, Daphne Cuffie, Roland Maunday, June Joseph, Fanny Roopchand......add Lance Lougheide, Wilfred Philips (Alisford's old man), Bert Baptiste, Hamlyn Dukhan,  Evelyn Hordatt.

Recently I had  a great lime with Clyde Ballantyne (Pool) and Lynette Mark.....shooting the breeze about ole times.....During our conversations I solved the puzzle about who was the author of the great Mayfair flood that saw the shoes and other belongings of Frederick Beckles (Beck; Badjohn Teacher Face) floating out of the Mayfair lobby...causing Beck to think, wrongly, that the culprit was a Havenite.....

As I indicated in an earlier post, Beck was so distraught at seeing his belongings floating down the Mayfair corridor that he crossed Fairhaven Square with a cutlass...We in turn, drawing upon vaunted Haven commonsense and agency...and also resorting to prudence...had decided to lock the entrance to our hostel...and also to fortify in defensive posture...

But it appears from the authoritative account I heard from "Pool" that Beck had gone to the wrong hostel in search of the culprit. Remember there were only three, so he really had just two degrees of freedom. But he guessed wrongly. Or did he?

There was also an authoritative, apparently first-hand,  account, that men from Haven had been in the washroom of Mayfair that night, and what reason could there have been for Havenites to be in Mayfair washroom after hours? The only thing I can think of there is that they might have gone over there to play brag, with men like Joe Ragoonanan, Jerry Hernandez, McDonald Rodney, Beck, and Gregory Byrne.


Theodore Lewis 69

RE: Welcome Back, Sister Maria


Hello Maria,

It’s great hearing from you.

Please help organize the 2023 MTC Reunion in TNT. Yes, let’s replicate the Trinidad and Tobago itinerary.

A return to the Hyatt, Hilton or Bucco,  Charlotte Ville, Annette Alleyne’s Theater, Allan Clovis’ Arawak,

Heritage Month and visits to TV stations and print media would be ideal and  launching of The Mausica Teachers College Charitable Foundation would be most uplifting.  The MTC Legacy.

“Can We Talk?”

As usual,

Rodney Foster 66-68

Monday, April 04, 2022

RE: Congrats and Condolences


My Felllow Mausicans.

First, I would like to congratulate the Blackman family on their joyful achievement. Keep it up Jewell.

Next, I convey my condolences to Brenda and her entire family. 

On Sunday Carl Caton informed me that his roommate at Mausica, Leslie Greenidge, passed away on Friday in Arima.

Leslie was my Sunset Villa pardnah in my first year at MTC.

Rest in peace, my brother.

Veda and family, we lift you up in prayer. 

May the Good Lord comfort you.


Rodney Foster 66-68

Saturday, March 12, 2022



We send our condolences  to the family of our dear Sister Mausican Patricia  Adelaide Small (yr  1971 - '73). "Pat" as she was lovingly called, was the epitomy of fitness in Netball, Basketball  and Athletics, defending  her Hostel Kirkendale, and representing  Mausica  Teachers' College. She was indeed, a very cheerful all rounder who socialized well with her colleagues, influenced many and was much appreciated. We were saddened by her passing, but consoled by knowing  that she fought a great  fight, finished the race with flying  colours, and so completed her mission on  earth.

The Celebration of her life/funeral was held on Friday  11th March  2022. I must  compliment her daughter  for an excellent eulogy  that fully  described  the outstanding  characteristics  of her mother. Family and friends  etc who supported, gave Pat a well deserved "Send off". May God grant  her Eternal life and  let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace, Amen 🙏 . Yours sincerely  P. Phelps on behalf of  Kirkendalians and other Mausicans of yr group 1971 -1973.

Patricia Phelps-Scott 73



Rodney, talking bout renting tile, I just want to reflect on the idea of "lady excuse me", and "gentleman excuse me" dance (set), and to say that I do not recall if anybody ever intervened on the dance floor so that I would dance with her instead. I can't remember any girl ever taking any such risk to dance with me. Was I not worth the risk?

On the other hand,I tried many times to interrupt sets via "gentleman excuse me", but almost all of the times the male would not budge,and in Mausica, if a man indicated that he was not interested in allowing his dance partner to dance with someone who touched him on his shoulder, it was not a good idea to persist.

Some men just did not like to participate in "gentlemen excuse me". They not letting go of their dance partner. Nosense of humour at all. They possessive...and want to rent tile.

But sometimes it was Harry Joe himself touching you on your shoulder. What you going to do then?


Theodore Lewis 69



March 11th, 2022

My Fellow Mausicans,

Aye hear nah man, yuh ever get up one morning and start tuh sing. Yes man, de odder morning ah get up singin "Tuh God Be The Glory."

Yes, every true, true Mausican could sing. Yuh remember de record "Dance and Sing"? My roommate, Carlsbury Gonzalez, design de cover. He design two covers.

Aye Brother Scratchy, yuh bring tears tuh meh eyes. "Ah Whiter Shade of Pale " brought back memories of rentin ah tile in de auditorium, HMJ Hall. Nuff said.

Aye Alisford, respond tuh dat. Drop ah Santana tune on dem.

Yuh know de classic yuh play for de 50th anniversary ball at de Hyatt.

Aye hear, is 2:52 am in Stone Mountain, GA.

Ah gorn, fuh now!

Peace and Love, my Fellow Mausicans and Friends of  Mausica. Special thanks tuh de wives. My  Marjorie is de Greatest. She is ah Sando trained RN.

Tuh tink it easy.

As usual,

Rodney Foster 66-68

Saturday, February 26, 2022



Good afternoon my dear brothers and sisters of Mausica. I agree with Rodney. It should not be difficult to get the Education Ministry to designate a day in memory of MTC, when we can highlight MTC’s contribution to the country and the world. 

Jasper Joefield 74

Sunday, February 20, 2022

RE: Mausica Reunions


My Fellow Mausicans,

Today I was doing some Spring Cleaning,downsizing.

I came across a program from the 40th Anniversary Reunion.

Monday 18th August, 2003: Center of Excellence, Macoya Rd, Tunapuna. The event was excellent.

Thank you Jack and Maureen Warner, Maria Mora, chair of the planning committee, Garth Nicholas, MC, Big Brother Feliz, Christian Printers, Eulalie Lawrence, Vivian Duncan, Hazel Gibbs DePeza and Micael Hills Wilson,who called the audience to Worship. Thansk to all who those who attended

When Joey Lewis and his orchestra, dressed in in Gold and Black, appeared, fete start. It was a vintage Mausica ball.

The legacy binder should contain all the programmes from our reunions.

Of course, I didn't throw them out. Ah jus tell Marjorie "Doh throw out any artifacts mark Mausica.

I'll gladly donate them to the Mausica Teachers College Archives.

By de way, could we ask de Ministry of Education and Culture to desginate ah MTC DAY. Recognition in de media, Memorial-Thanksgiving Service, all over TNT.

Could we establish a MTC Charitable Trust.

Let's brainstorm and perpetuate MTC's Legacy.

Ah gorn for now. Is 12:21 am.

As usual,

Rodney Foster 66-68

Saturday, February 19, 2022



Re: Viewing of Funeral of Rita Portillo

The funeral service and burial service is on YouTube. Just type in her. name and the funeral service and burial service  will come up.

Avril Sampson 78

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Re: Funeral of Rita Portillo (1968-1970)


Regarding the death of Rita.....I am thinking that the video of  her funeral service should not automatically be made available to all on the blog. Rather. a note should be sent to the blog to the effect that the video is available for those who would like to avail themselves of it.

Theodore Lewis 69

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Re: Funeral of Rita Portillo (1968-1970)


Death of Rita Portillo-1968-1970.

(Please note typo correction)

Theodore Lewis 69

Monday, February 14, 2022

RE: Fwd: Funeral of Rita Portillo (1968-1970)


Daeth of  Rita Portillo--1968-1970..

Theodore Lewis 69



Dear Friends,

I was saddened to learn of the death of yet another Mausican, Rita Portillo, former P.S. and choir mistress of Eastern Chorale. Some of us well remember how Rita's beautiful voice thrilled us during her years at Mausica.  Apparently, Rita died two weeks ago and was buried last week. R.I.P.

Keep safe everyone.

Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

Thursday, February 03, 2022



Condolences to the family of Jean Thompson Sealy one of the pioneers. Jean was a friendly, smart and wonderful friend. Another great loss.

Bernice Stephens 65

RE: Mausica Legacy


A small group of us got together last evening and started discussing the creation of a Mausica Legacy.  We shared great ideas.

Updates will be posted on the blog as we go along


"and this too will pass"

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Monday, January 24, 2022

RE: Condolences


I was saddened to learn of the passing of Robert Green and his wife. May God comfort the family and relatives. He was 1971-1973.

Euline Fox-Peters 70-72.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

RE: Joycelyn Walker


I found this picture of Joycelyn who is on the left of the picture, holding the rake.   She was a pioneer and she lived in Kirkendale.  Cynthia Davis-Huggins was her room mate.

Joycelyn also attended Bishop Anstey High School - POS.

Condolences from our Mausica family in the North.


"and this too will pass"

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

RE: Condolences


I do not think or can remember anything like this. It is with Great Sadness to inform the Mausica Family; Robert Green (72-74) wife passed away in her sleep; and One day later he, Robert died in the Hospital. It has been reported that Robert has been ailing for a long time . Great Condolences to Their Families. They were both attached to St. Cyprian's Anglican Primary School, Santa Flora/ Los Bajos.

Ansel Knights 71