Sunday, May 22, 2022



Pearl I think that Princes Town was very well represented with that memorable contingent of four. That pudding song won for topicality. Very very Mausican event, that pudding ceremony. I was at the table on which the pudding fell....Errol Jones, Raymon Mendes, Stanisclaus....among the pall bearers...

very very sad Memories because Cheryl Gittens was at the table and came out the worse...the pudding itself weaponized with alcohol and very much on fire as it fell--on her...

There were other South people in our year group who were a bit older..I think Roy Jagroopsing ...Gaston Alleyne, and Ormond Fournilier would not have been teens....

I think the age balance was right....generally speaking...The people in charge of this thing were wise beyond words..

they designed the community..

Students like Mervyn Sandy kept the place on even keel with their maturity....


Theodore Lewis 69

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