Saturday, November 26, 2022

Re: REMINDER: 8 dietary mistakes that contribute to type 2 diabetes


It was with deepest sadness that I got the note from Gwen Williams that our year-group (67-69)colleague Annette Hunte-Lessey had passed away. I am sharing a note on her passing that I have taken from the newspaper Newsday.

Annette was a warm, mild mannered, engaging person.

I hope that over time she was able over to forgive members of our group, along with second years, for being less than supportive of her when such support would have provided her comfort.

She was an outstanding alumnus of the college, as a teacher, and pillar of the San Fernando community till her passing.

Theodore Lewis

"Remembering Hunte-Lessey


THE EDITOR: Annette Hunte-Lessey, a woman of virtue, worth, and ebullience, will be fondly remembered by many.

Her achievements shattered countless barriers in our history when representations of women were met with many calumnies. Her passing is certainly a great loss to the community of San Fernando.

As a former educator, cultural enthusiast and renowned master of ceremonies, Mrs Hunte-Lessey was indeed divine. She was a woman of faith, strength, and humility.

Therefore we should celebrate her life with deep reverence. My sincerest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. May she rest in peace.


Port of Spain"

Theodore Lewis 69

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