Thursday, November 01, 2018

RE: "No hay Mojito sin Angostura"

My Fellow Mausicans,
When I called Efebo to congratulate him on receiving his latest award, little did I know that we would end up speaking a little Spanish. It started when I mentioned that his Grandee brother, Alan Simpson, had served sorrel mojito at "The Men Who Know They Cook" event.
Cubans love Mojito.
My wife, Marjorie, made the sorrel for Alan.She is the best.
While Efebo was the ambassador in Cuba, the bartender informed him that he couldn't fill his request for a mojito because he had no Angostura Bitters. As a well- trained Mausican, Efebo conducted a History lesson on the origin of Angostura Bitters.(Do your own research.) Efebo had lots of gift baskets containing rum and Bitters at the office of the TNT Embassy. His driver sped back to the office and returned to the bar with an ample supply.
Mojitos started flowing again. There is no Mojito without Angostura Bitters!.
Sincere congratulations also to Hazel Thompson-Ahye and Ronnie Richardson, my Ninth Street, Barataria Brother.
Aye, Scratchie, yuh could do ah fact check on dat!
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68

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