Thursday, November 01, 2018


The people who got that award are the finest.
Sister Hazel is a force. Communicating with the public always on social issues. Big lawyer. Efebo is an allrounder, serving from Better Village days, going back to Mausica the village and bringing national focus to them in best village competitions, winning everything. Man served in Cuba.  And was goal keeper in my first year.
It is true that he and his room-mate Hospie (tragically deceased) tied me up on a chair in their room in Haven one time, upside down, for no reason, but that is a private matter that should not disqualify a man from getting an award...but people should know that he did that...and of course Ronald my fellow metal work teacher at st.Augustine senior sec has been a leader in the scout movement in the region for decades....the finest teacher....and pioneered A-Levels in technical subjects. A fine man.
We have other greats if they want.....Gwen, Maria, Happy....
This thing Rodney have bout people living on his street has to many people could live on one street legal? ...there was an election one time and 1000 people in San Juan had the same address....although I am not accusing him of that......he claim the Solid Seven man as coming from his street in San Juan, but Solid was from La Brea....and how is that going to be reconciled...if a man from San Juan, how he could start a band in La Brea....
Theodore Lewis 69

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