Thursday, November 01, 2018


Congratulations to our very beloved Mausicans who continue to keep the flag flying of our much revered
institution Mausica Teachers' College. Congratulations on receiving our National Awards.
Particular recognition is extended to Dr. Efebo whom I have had the close up opportunity of seeing him raise the country's profile in the following areas:
Arts and Culture -
I recall sitting in awe as I listened to Efebo and Winston Bongos Williams deconstruct the lyrical content and equally the music of our now deceased calypso ICON Mighty Shadow (Dr. Winston Bailey)
Then there was Efebo's pioneering work in contributing to CARIFIESTA becoming the resilient regional artistic endeavour that it is today. Remember the Rum Shop innovation set up at the Queens Park Savannah in Port of Spain. And also his tireless strengthening the Best Village format.
Public Sector Reform.
As Permanent Sectetory, Dr. Efebo led the thrust to have important legislation on Arts and Culture brought to fruition.
High Commissioner to Cuba
Many Trinidad and Tobago medical students in Cuba still talk about the active support from His Excellence during their course of study in that country.
Scratchy has already listed the contribution of Ronald and Hazel.
Once more, congratulations to our three worthy awardees.
MTC: the brainchild of the first Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Eric Williams
Gwen Williams (1967 - 1969)

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