Saturday, August 22, 2015


Dear Errol,  Selwyn et al,
I attended Myrdith Osborne-Brumant's mother's funeral at the Third Company Baptist Church in Indian Walk  last Sunday 16th August along with four other early Mausicans namely Felix Edinborough, Carole Reveillac,  Earl Carnavon and his wife Ena (Perryman).  Myrdith was happy to see us even as she said her last farewell to her Mom in a very entertaining eulogy delivered by herself and her sister Herdes.
It was my first visit ever to that part of the country and I found the service in the little country church and the people very fascinating.
I also wish to say how excited I am to read about "Ninth Floor"  the play in which Selwyn was so heavily involved in bringing to the screen. It brought back so many vivid memories for me because I was a student at Sir George Williams University when the Computer Centre on the NINTH Floor was occupied and later was the scene of a fire and the student riot.  Well done Selwyn!   I look forward to viewing it some time soon.
Vernetta Brewster (Calvin-Smith) 65

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