Friday, March 08, 2013


Dear Friends,
I strongly support the idea of the challenge trophy for folk songs but I ask the question, “What is a Mausica Folk Song?” We cannot just say that it is a folk song sung by Mausica. We did not compose those songs and the mere fact that it is called a folk song can mean that there is no known composer. I remember that while I was in the choir Mr. Williams got a lawyer’s letter from someone who claimed that we had ‘used’ a song that he had composed.
Perhaps it would be better to have the trophy for the best folk song choir and I can tell you that most of the choirs will sing folk songs that we have done and with Mausica arrangements. This has been happening in the National Music Festival for years.
A trophy donated by Mausica would be a wonderful gesture especially for our 50th anniversary.
Felix Edinborough

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