Saturday, March 16, 2013

RE: The Challenge Trophy

Fellow Mausicans
YES to a Challenge Trophy
NO to any other prizes, monetary or otherwise.   Based on our track record re the  deadlines for various payments for the Reunion... that is a non- starter.  Please everyone... walk with your contribution towards the TROPHY.
I was excited re the idea of a Mausica Folksong, but Felix is right... we may have made some songs better known and appreciated ,and certainly added value to them with our harmonies, but let it rest there.
ABSOLUTELY NO to any input re criteria.   Let the organisers do what they have been doing all along.   IF someone wants to start up another contest that is another matter ( to which i do not subscribe).   Let us be sensible please. It is an exciting prospect, but stay calm.
There, I've said it .  Pat with love and blessings.ajoyous
Pat Ryan

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