Monday, March 11, 2013

RE: Legacy -Alumni Choir - Sanfest

These are some of my suggestions:
(i) Initially the focus be on primary school choirs;
(ii) A Challenge Trophy (Thanks in advance Dr Merle) and/or a cash prize and/or musical instrument (preferably folk);
(iii) The Judging Criteria be Diction, Tone, Interpretation - musical presentation (must include theme, texture, expressiveness, ensemble); dramatic presentation (to include originality and relevance);
(iv) A suggested list of 'Mausica' Folksongs (I tend to agree with Sheila) to be made available to the Sanfest Committee.
Thank you for being part of the discussion whether with pen (Amir, Gregory, Rodney. Dr Merle, Sheila) or with positive thought. Cutty (67 -69)
Cuthbert Matthew

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