Friday, February 08, 2013


Hi Merle and Lester,
I could not resist adding my recollection about the “Agriculture” lectures at Mausica during our first year, I think. I remember distinctly that I was so bored with those agriculture classes that early in one of the lectures I intervened with a question which brought down the whole house and which is the only thing I can recall from those classes. My question was “Why does a red cow give white milk” and that certainly had the desired effect with the entire class breaking out in laughter. I do remember the poor lecturer doing his best to restore order by giving a very scientific response to my childish question but I cannot recall one word that he said. All I can remember is the fun I had that afternoon.
Also, as to Lester Wilkinson, I offer my congratulations. I remember attending meetings with him (he was much more serious about politics and social activism than I ever was) at Tapia House in Tunapuna where I was born and lived for two years after graduating from Mausica in 1968. If I am not mistaken when “Revo” broke out several people who had been attending meetings at Tapia house were questioned by the police and even arrested.  I remember some Mausica colleagues and other friends contacting me to find out if I had signed up as a member since some Mauscians who had become members were among those being questioned.  Of course being me I really liked the intellectual discussions but I stayed away from the Politics of commitment.  The fear from Revo led me to leave Trinidad in 1970 to pursue an academic career. I now teach at Boston University and one of the classes I designed deals with politics, governance, and power in the Caribbean and Africa (I do research on Angola).  My engagement with Trinidad politics after Mausica is absolutely informing my class discussions.
Linda Heywood
Mausica (1966-1968)

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